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Abandoned Olympics stadium looks a shadow of its former self with disintegrating stands and overgrown grounds

AN OLYMPIC stadium has been left looking like a shadow of its former self after being abandoned and left to the elements.

The Alonzo Herndon Stadium in Atlanta, GA, USA is described as having “humble” beginnings.

The Alonzo Herndon Stadium in Atlanta, GA, USA has been left in a state of ruin[/caption]
It once held more than 15,000 fans[/caption]
But after being abandoned in 2014 it has become a shell of its old self[/caption]
It hosted the hockey final at the 1996 olympics[/caption]
But graffiti and trees are now visible throughout the ground[/caption]
It is located on the campus for the famous Morris Brown University[/caption]

Formerly owned by Clark Atlanta University, the 15,000 capacity ground was built in 1948 and named after of Atlanta’s first black millionaires.

It received use in the 1996 Olympics as the site for the hockey final when the Netherlands beat Spain 3-1.

The venue later played host to Hollywood film, We Are Marshall, starring Matthew McConaughey, Anthony Mackie and Kate Mara.

It was used in the movie, a 2006 biographical sports film, as one of its filming spots.

Meanwhile, it’s also the only two-sided stadium in the Atlanta University Centre by the famous Morris Brown College.

However, it has been out of commission since 2014 after it fell victim to crippling finances at the college and located one close to the Herndon Home museum

And the creaking stadium is showing its age after not receiving any recent love.

The large concrete stands have been used as a canvas by local graffiti artists while the pitch has now become overgrown with trees spouting up at the side of the playing field.


It was originally built in 1948[/caption]
It was used as part of a Hollywood film set in 2006[/caption]

The goalposts still stand but are brown and decaying.

Multiple instances of joyriders entering the venue and leaving burned-out cars across the field were also reported since it was left for dead.

However, Clark Atlanta University sold the stadium to the City of Atlanta.

It has taken time for plans to be drawn up regarding to the ground.

But there is now hope for the future after council member Byron Amos announced plans to revitalise the site, possibly with a possible brand new local stadium before the World Cup visits in 2026.

He said: “Soccer is the future. So here is a chance for us to kill two birds with one stone.

“Saving a historic piece of value in our culture and our city but also we will be given the opportunity for future children and for future people to play soccer.”

The renovations to Alonzo Herndon Stadium could cost investors anywhere between £15million to a staggering £100m.

It’s being considered before the original plans to demolish the stadium and replace it with flats start.

Many FIFA representatives are now discussing the ambitious plans, including FIFA World Cup Senior Advisor Olubunmi Jinadu.

We can save a historic piece of value in our culture and our city but also we will be given the opportunity for future children and for future people to play soccer

Byron Amos

He said: “I see this stadium being a training ground for teams that come and play friendly matches with men and women during the FIFA window.

“I see collegiate soccer and I see international soccer coming from across the globe…

“For the funding right now there are several investors and they see the vision clearly, it’s not that hard.”

He believes the stadium could bring millions and millions of dollars to the area and city which could level up the surrounding community.

However, final approval for the plans will be decided by Clark Atlanta University.

President of Clark Atlanta University Dr. George French said to Atlanta News First: “We haven’t been approached about the project, however, we are already in contractual development for the property.”

This isn’t the first major sporting venue left abandoned as the forgotten Stadio Flamino which hosted superstars like Michael Jackson, David Bowie and Bruce Springsteen, as well as an Olympic Games, has faced calls to be demolished after being unused since 2011.

An old Olympic venue in Sarajevo was left abandoned for 19 years despite being used in the 1984 Olympics as it was a key base in the Bosnian War and left ruined and riddled with bullet holes.

Another eerie stadium is North Korea’s Rungrado 1st of May Stadium which despite being the world’s biggest stadium just collects dust as it’s barely used.

But plans are now being discussed to revitalise the site ahead of the 2026 World Cup[/caption]
It has been backed to be a key area of growth for the city[/caption]
The renovations could cost anywhere between £15million to a staggering £100m[/caption]
Decision over the future will be decided by Clark Atlanta University[/caption]

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