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I’m 47 and in the best shape of my life – I swear by a totally free exercise to achieve eternal youth

A WOMAN has revealed how she keeps herself looking and feeling young at 47.

Belinda Norton, says she is in the best shape of her life and puts it all down to just one exercise.

Belinda has kept her youthful looks and body thanks to one exercise[/caption]
She revealed her routine and the foods she eats to keep healthy[/caption]

The personal trainer from sunny Australia may be a pro at all exercises, but there’s only one she recommends and it’s totally free.

She revealed that running is her secret exercise that keeps her looking incredible and youthful.

But she also noted that people often don’t stick to it because of mindset, discomfort or ego.

Getting into running can be tricky, you may not go as quickly or as far as you want to at first but this shouldn’t put you off.

“Did you know running is survival mechanism for the body? It’s a normal function yet as the human race has evolved it’s become choice,” she wrote on Instagram.

“This is to the detriment of humanity. You think – from a child first beginning to walk as a toddler they run even if they are unstable. So why do adults stop running? Mindset. Discomfort. Ego.

“I want you to survive longer. Live with mobility. I want you to see your abilities. I encourage you to reteach yourself to run. Today is the day. Go ahead! It’s your life on the line.”

There are plenty of ways to keep on track and go at a pace that suits you, the NHS have a programme that can be downloaded to your phone called Couch to 5k.

It starts you off slowly and builds up your stamina so you can go from not running to doing 5k in 30 minutes with their nine week programme.

Before exercising, it’s important to warm up the lower body with a variety of running drills focusing on the legs, feet, calves, shins, thighs and hips, which Belinda demonstrated in an Instagram video.

For instance, perform a set of high knees, side shuffle, A-skips, B-skips, bounding, backwards walking and strides for 30-seconds each.

Belinda also revealed the nine foods she always includes in her diet.

Last year she said she is a fan of eating foods that are ‘grown in the soil and the sea’ like salmon, carrots, brown rice and broccoli.

She also uses this approach for her children – making sure their breakfasts, lunches and dinners are loaded up with ‘real wholefoods’ that promote good health.

Benefits of running

A recent study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health has found that running for 75 minutes per week can add a solid 12 years to your life. 

A small study conducted by Asics revealed a twenty minute run reduces stress for 58% of participants.

Other studies have shown running reduced risk of death from heart attack or stroke, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, lower risk of developing cancer and lower risk of developing neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

“Did you know that soil grown foods and sea water food have a higher mineral content than any other food source?” Belinda posted on Instagram. 

The nine foods she says you need to incorporate into your diet are fish, whole carrots, homemade muesli, oranges, avocados, greens, salad, broccoli, brown rice and quinoa.

Belinda also eats one raw whole carrot and two cucumbers daily and doesn’t peel them, simply washing them and eating them whole.

“Whole organic earth-grown foods supply our body with the nutrients and minerals that no other products can do,” Belinda said.

“They are inexpensive, they also induce chewing, they are perfectly portioned to nourish and maintain energy.”

Belinda added that the fibre in carrots helps to keep blood sugar levels under control, while eating cucumbers hydrates the body and leads to health benefits including “weight loss, balanced hydration, digestive regularity and lower blood sugar levels.”

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