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I was raised to be an ‘independent boss babe’ but I’ve ditched ‘hustle culture’ to be a tradwife & care for my husband

A FULL-TIME housewife has shared why she chose to ditch hustle culture to serve her house and husband.

Amanda Mosallam had a “typical” experience in her early to mid-twenties, spent socializing and climbing the career ladder.

Jam Press/@amanda_mosallam
Career woman turned tradwife Amanda Mosallam has shared how she is embracing her new life despite the misconceptions[/caption]
Jam Press/@amanda_mosallam
The former boss babe is now relishing her role of cooking and cleaning her home and taking care of her husband[/caption]

But that all changed when she met her now-husband Anthony in November 2022, with the couple going on to marry a year later.

The 29-year-old quit her job as an admin assistant a month after getting engaged, in favor of embracing her new role as a wife and homemaker.

She now calls herself a “tradwife” and takes on traditional gender roles in the relationship, such as cooking and cleaning, while her husband owns a home inspection business.

Amanda is also a “homesteader,” growing crops and preserving food on her land.

While her lifestyle now appears picture-perfect, it’s a far cry from the path she was on a decade ago.

“In my teens and early twenties, I lived a pretty typical modern young woman’s life,” said Amanda, who lives in Georgia.

“I bounced around jobs, got a degree, dated around, got my heart broken, struggled with depression and binge drinking, and found myself quite aimless at 25.

“I was working in an industry that I’m passionate about, but the nine-to-five life just wasn’t for me.

“I knew I wanted the freedom to plan my own schedule and pursue my interests outside of the workforce.

“I was also starting to delve into my faith, which largely shaped my foray into wifehood.

“I think most people would agree that who we are at 19 is – or at least should be — in stark contrast to who we are at 29.

“I’m pleased that’s the case for myself.

“They say your brain isn’t fully developed until your mid-twenties, which was about the time I realized I wanted to be a wife and began dating exclusively for the purpose of marriage.”

Despite feeling “groomed” to become a “strong, independent boss babe,” Amanda says she “broke the mold” when she met 31-year-old Anthony and embraced the traditional elements of wifehood.

Amanda describes her life as being “rooted in faith and obedience,” having joined the Orthodox Christian Church after growing up Catholic and then being a self-described atheist during her late teens and early twenties.

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She enjoys growing crops and baking bread and other goods[/caption]
Jam Press/@amanda_mosallam
Rather than climbing the corporate ladder, the homemaker now cooks, cares for the family animals, and writes poetry[/caption]

Now, a typical day involves laundry, cleaning and housework, cooking meals from scratch, baking bread and baked goods for her husband and loved ones.

She also exercises, does volunteer work, and has hobbies like crocheting and writing poetry.

She rarely drinks, focusing on her health and well-being, and “looks for ways to serve family, friends, and the community.”

She and Anthony have 11 chickens and two goats on their land, who Amanda helps tend to.

Her lifestyle has garnered some backlash, but Amanda doesn’t let it bother her.

Jam Press/@amanda_mosallam
Since marrying her husband and becoming a homemaker, she explained how contrary to popular belief, she feels a new sense of freedom[/caption]
Jam Press/@amanda_mosallam
Mosallam focuses on living a healthy lifestyle and staying committed to her religious convictions[/caption]

“I get the occasional hateful comment/DM from feminists or people who simply don’t understand the tradwife lifestyle,” she said.

“A few people in my personal life may not fully understand my lifestyle, but they try to be as supportive as possible.”

Far from the common notion that tradwives are heavily restricted, Amanda says the opposite is true for her.

“As a full-time homemaker, I have the ultimate freedom to spend my time how I want to,” she said.

“I no longer have to rush out the door in the morning or partake in hustle culture.

Jam Press/@amanda_mosallam
When she’s not cooking or crocheting, she helps look after their goats and other farm animals[/caption]
Jam Press Vid/@amanda_mosallam
She has found meaning in her traditional married life[/caption]

“To people who criticize this way of life, I’d say that they probably don’t really understand it.

“Many people falsely assume that couples who live on one income are wealthy – when in reality, most of us are frugal, middle-class folks who budget and live within our means.

“Since the tradwife lifestyle has been trending in recent years, many people are associating it with the 1950s housewife archetype.

“While I understand the sentiment, it’s not really accurate.

“The goal of our lifestyle is to slow down and reclaim our heritage as women, learning skills that predate the Industrial Revolution.

“Women have been wives and homemakers for all of human history and, if anything, the 1950s is a bad example of this lifestyle, because that era glorified convenience and consumerism.

“I think a big reason people associate tradwives with the 1950s is because that was really the last era that women mostly wore dresses and skirts.

“Yes, we tradwives are known for our dresses and skirts – but that’s just scratching the surface of who we are and what we believe in.”

Jam Press/@amanda_mosallam
She doesn’t mind being the boss of her home instead of the boardroom[/caption]
Jam Press Vid/@amanda_mosallam
Not everyone in her life understands her decision, but she knows she chose the right path for her[/caption]
This tradwife doesn’t mind spending her days in a leisurely manner
Jam Press Vid/@amanda_mosallam
Jam Press Vid/@amanda_mosallam
She has found her calling as a tradwife and wouldn’t go back to her previous life[/caption]

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