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These are the most popular summer Olympic games, and the sports gear you need to start playing

The Summer Olympics are set to start Friday, July 26 and run through Sunday, August 11. Some of the most popular sports, based on viewership, are gymnastics, swimming, basketball, track and field and soccer (both women’s and men’s).

If you’ve always wanted to take part in the action, you can get everything you need to start playing one of these popular sports. Many of these options require just a few pieces of sporting equipment and a good amount of dedication, so you can get started without breaking the bank.

You can get these sporting goods on the list in just 24 hours if you're an Amazon Prime member. You can join or start a 30-day free trial to start your shopping today.

Gymnastics is often popular among kids and teens the same age as the Olympic competitors. To get your kids started, they need the right clothing. Breathable gymnast shorts, which you can find right on Amazon, are the first item of clothing worth getting.

Adults who want to try their hand at beginner's gymnastics also need a pair of shorts that make running, jumping and stretching easier. Dick’s Sporting Goods has women’s Nike gymnast shorts in a variety of colors.

Gymnastic grips help you hold onto bars and better grip the floor when training or in competitions. They can also be used for weightlifting and other workouts. Both Amazon and Dick’s Sporting Goods have adult-sized grips meant for beginners.

Gymnasts don’t start out on the high bars and balance beams. You (or your kids) need to practice long before you get to this point. A floor training bar helps you safely practice routines without the fear of falling. A foldable floor mat can also help you practice flips and jumps without hurting your feet.

You don’t need a ton of accessories to begin swimming, but a swim cap is one of the necessities. It keeps your hair out of the pool and helps you swim more competitively. Amazon has classic Speedo swim caps in dozens of colors and patterns. You can also find various tie-dyed swim cap options from Swim Outlet.

Being able to see properly while you swim is important for your safety and the safety of other swimmers. Swimming goggles fit snuggly around your head and keep water from getting in your eyes. Amazon has antifog goggles, perfect for beginner swimmers. Anyone who is looking to level up their goggles can find professional options at Swim Outlet.

Racing or swimming laps often requires a specific, single-piece bathing suit that’s a little different from your standard swim shorts or beach bathing suit. They’re designed to help you swim more quickly through the water. Swim Outlet has a simple Nike women’s racing bathing suit in numerous colors. Tyr has more unique bathing suit options, complete with interesting colors and patterns.

Practice shooting hoops in your own yard when you put up a basketball hoop. You can attach one to your garage or shed, but a freestanding hoop helps you shoot without fear of damaging anything. Walmart and Amazon both have options in slightly different styles.

Whether you want to just play a few pickup games here and there or you want to join a league, having the right basketball shoes is important. Sure, you can throw on any pair of sneakers, but shoes specifically made for playing basketball can help your ankles and feet stay more comfortable. 

Nike has stylish, unique basketball shoes perfect for any player. New Balance also has bright, comfortable shoes made for both men and women.

The star of any basketball game is the basketball. When you play, you want a professional-grade basketball. Grab NBA-ready balls from Amazon or Dick’s Sporting Goods.

Running in track and field isn’t quite the same as running around your neighborhood or on trails. You need special shoes with spikes that easily grab onto the track. Grab a pair of affordable track shoes from Nike or a pair of Hoka cross-country shoes from Dick’s Sporting Goods.

Track and field isn’t just running as fast as possible, there’s also hurdles and about a dozen other options that fall under the "field" category. To train, a set of short hurdles can give you the practice you need. Amazon and Walmart both have speed training hurdle sets that are affordable.

Running shorts provide the freedom you need to run full force. Nike AeroSwift shorts are made from environmentally friendly materials that are breathable. Path Project running shorts are also a strong option for training, since they have pockets for your belongings all throughout the shorts.

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You can play soccer just about anywhere, as long as you have a soccer ball. Amazon has Adidas soccer balls in different colors, or you can check out Walmart’s soccer ball options.

Getting kicked in the shins by someone wearing cleats isn’t fun, so shin guards are a must when you’re playing soccer. G-Form has professional shin guards that the pros wear. For beginners, Amazon also has affordable shin guard options.

You can play soccer in the park or your backyard with the help of a pop-up goal. Both Amazon and Walmart have a single goal that easily pops up and folds down when not in use.

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