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Marin Voice: Hurdles to helping homeless begin with limited affordable housing

Jason Sarris, photographed in San Rafael, Calif. on Wednesday, April 27, 2022. (Alan Dep/Marin Independent Journal)

Sleeping on the street was never in my plans, but after a tumultuous divorce and a spiral into addiction, homelessness became my only option.

Every aspect of being unhoused is traumatic. From the circumstances that led to me losing a roof over my head, to the uncomfortably charged looks as I walked through convenience stores, to being constantly forced to find new places to sleep, to the never-ending exposure to the elements for 12 years — it was all trauma.

When I eventually found a stable place to live, I decided it was only right that I take my 12 years of experience being homeless and put it to use, by working to provide direct mutual aid to unhoused people in Marin with the Marin Housing For All nonprofit organization. In this work, I’ve come to know something very well: affordable housing is homelessness prevention.

In our city-protected camp in Novato and throughout Marin, we provide several necessities for surviving while unhoused. We provide tents, sleeping bags, clothes, food and water. We help cover emergency hotel rooms, car repairs, bills and fines for the people who live in our camp.

Meeting these people, interacting with them every day, I hear so many stories that are incredibly personal and unique when it comes to their experiences with being unhoused — all with one clear solution: more affordable housing.

Marin County lacks the affordable housing infrastructure to suitably support our growing population. Anyone can become homeless. I became homeless. I didn’t become homeless with the snap of a finger, and I didn’t make it out of homelessness that way, either.

Had there been affordable housing options available to me while I was on the path that resulted in becoming unhoused, or while I was unhoused, I could have avoided, or at least significantly shortened, my tough 12 years on the streets.

There are grandparents living in the Novato camp and throughout the county who were priced out of Marin, forced to live out on the streets and in their cars in their old age. No one’s grandparent should have to live like this. But alas, without ample, available and affordable downsizing options for seniors, many are left without another choice when living on a fixed income.

Those senior residents are forced to move out of Marin, away from their families and community, which can cause a great deal of undue stress; they move in with friends or family members, contributing to the overcrowding issue in Marin county; or they become homeless. No member of our community, let alone seniors who have spent their lives serving our community, deserves that fate.

Though initially resistant, Novato city officials have stepped up in conjunction with service providers to help find stable homes for the people who live in the camp. However, we would be much more effective in finding these people, who have all endured significant trauma by living on the street, homes if Marin had more affordable housing.

For the affordable housing units available, often there are yearslong waiting lists that keep people unhoused and living outside or in their cars for longer than anyone should.

To create more affordable housing, we need funding. Dozens of projects are approved every year but die before being built due to lack of funding. In November, Bay Area residents will have the opportunity to vote on a bond measure that would raise $20 billion to fund affordable housing projects across the Bay Area, including Marin County. We need this bond to support our community, and to prevent homelessness throughout the Bay Area.

Without adequate affordable housing options, many people fall through the cracks — people who need a place to safely land or are trying to get themselves out of a traumatic situation. These people are members of our community. They could be you or me. I have been one of them, and you could be too. Fund affordable housing.

Jason Sarris, of San Rafael, is president of the nonprofit Marin Housing for All Foundation.

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