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I’m a gardening expert – 10 ways to create privacy for your outdoor space & some don’t cost a penny 

MOST people love being in the garden if the weather is sunny, but it’s less fun if numerous different homes can see into your outdoor space.

Thankfully experts have revealed 10 of the best privacy ideas to prevent nosy neighbours from peering into your garden.

If you want to create more privacy in your garden, there are some tricks to try[/caption]

A spokesperson for OnTheMarket said: “As our gardens become extensions of our homes, it’s only natural we crave privacy in our gardens just as we do inside our home. 

“Our top tips illustrate how easy it is to implement affordable methods, like repositioning furniture, planting fast-growing climbers, or adopting an ‘overgrown’ look, without having to spend a fortune. 

“With a little bit of time and effort, you can transform your garden into a private oasis, away from the prying eyes of the world.”

Here are the home experts’ top tips for garden privacy…


Embrace a wild and natural aesthetic by allowing certain areas of your garden to grow freely. Encourage native plants to thrive and intentionally leave some sections untamed to create a sense of seclusion and wilderness, even in the most urban areas. 

An overgrown landscape can look especially enchanting in larger gardens, giving off a whimsical and almost forest-like ambience.


Garden zoning involves splitting outdoor spaces into sections, creating different areas for different purposes. 

For example, a grassed area for children to play in, and a fenced off area with a fire pit for outdoor cooking

By zoning your garden with physical dividers, you can maximise the functionality of the space but also create privacy within your own home. 

Zones can be created using fencing, a trellis, or large plants depending on the aesthetic you’re after and the level of privacy you desire. 


Garden furniture can make outdoor spaces more comfortable, providing a cosy place for outdoor dining and relaxing in the sun. 

Strategically arrange any garden furniture to shield yourself from prying eyes. 

Place seating areas away from direct lines of sight, such as facing lawn chairs with their backs to neighbours’ windows or dining areas close to the wall of your property, fences, or any outbuildings.


Create a natural barrier around your garden using tall, dense trees, such as Laurel, Photinia, Privet, or Holm Oak. 

Planting evergreen screening trees on your garden’s perimeter provides year-round privacy and can even be planted so close together that it essentially forms a dense hedge, blocking the view from neighbouring properties. 

Screening trees are particularly popular for smaller overlooked gardens or terraced houses, where spaces may be narrower and more visible. 

The great thing about trees is that there are no restrictions on how tall they can grow, enabling you to block the view from taller buildings, such as apartment blocks or multi-story houses.

Allow your garden to be a little ‘overgrown’ for more privacy[/caption]


Additional screening ideas for overlooked gardens include trellises, walls, and fences. 

Great examples include climbing plants like jasmine, clematis, or ivy vines as they’ll provide great coverage. 

These fast-growing climbers don’t just offer a layer of privacy but are visually appealing and smell incredible, too.

For a more budget-friendly and low-maintenance alternative to garden screening from neighbours, go for cheaper materials, such as reed, willow, or artificial plants.

Unlike vines and flowers, they require little to no maintenance and are more affordable, especially compared t0 larger, established plants.

Water features can help mask sounds[/caption]


Plant a dense hedge, such as privet or laurel, along the boundary of your garden for a natural and effective privacy screen. 

Hedges offer both visual and acoustic insulation, while also providing a wonderful home for all kinds of wildlife, namely nesting birds, butterflies, and, of course, hedgehogs.

You can choose to either grow your privacy hedge or have a mature hedge installed to instantly block your neighbour’s view of your garden. 

While this may be more expensive, growing a hedge can take years to reach a substantial size. 


Install retractable canopies, large umbrellas, or shade sails above your seating area to shield them from view and provide privacy from above. 

Plus, these structures also offer protection from the sun so that you can enjoy your relaxing time outdoors, or if you’re working from home, you can avoid glare on your screen.

Garden features that add the most value to a house

A well-kept garden can add anywhere between 5-20% to the value of a property.

Sellhousefast.uk carried out a study and consulted 36 estate agents, garden designers and property professionals from across the UK.

And the experts revealed the garden feature which adds the most value to a property is a shed. 

  1. Shed – 82%
  2. Patio or paving – 76%
  3. Secure fencing, walls or gates – 72%
  4. Outdoor lighting – 66%
  5. Sturdy decking – 62%
  6. Water features eg. fountain or pond – 58%
  7. Modern garden furniture – 54%
  8. Artificial lawn/grass – 40%


If your back garden fence is below 6.5 feet tall, it may be worth considering raising the height of your fencing, as this will help to obstruct direct views into your garden from prying neighbours’ eyes. 

However, if you’re worried about taller fencing blocking out sunlight, a trellis or slatted fence panels may be a better option. 

Before you add height to your fencing make sure to check local laws and guidelines to ensure that you’re not adding too much height to your fences. 

In most cases, fences in front gardens can be up to 1m in height, and back garden fencing can reach up to 2m in height.


Water fountains, ponds, or waterfalls can add a beautiful and unique element to your garden design. 

At the same time, water features can mask unwanted sounds from surrounding areas, such as roads or noisy neighbours. 

The soothing sound of running water creates a tranquil atmosphere and attracts birds and wildlife, further adding to the scenic setting.


A pergola or garden shelter can make a beautiful addition to your garden, creating a secluded retreat within your outdoor space that offers protection from the elements, sunshine, and nosey neighbours. 

Constructing a pergola can be easier and more budget-friendly than you might think since, in most cases, planning permission is not required and you can opt for a basic wooden structure, rather than more elaborate designs. 

If you’re after something fancier and have the budget to spare, transform your garden shelter into an outdoor bar or hot tub area.

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