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The Do Not Call list loophole: Why your phone still won't stop ringing

If you've taken the time to read our tips here at CyberGuy to keep phone scammers at bay, good for you. One of these tips is to put your phone number on the national and state Do Not Call list.

However, you might find that you're still getting calls from scammers. This is because the Do Not Call list primarily targets legitimate telemarketers and has limited effectiveness against scammers and illegal robocallers who often ignore the list.

This is what happened to one of our newsletter subscribers who told us that even though she took the time to put her number on that list, she still receives many annoying calls. "I repeatedly tell them to remove my number and stop calling, but they continue to call," she said. 

She noted that caller ID indicates that these phone calls are coming from spoofed phone numbers. Even though she blocked these numbers too (another tip to ward off scammers), they'd call back from another number. So, why is this permitted? And how come being on the Do Not Call list is not enough? Let's thoroughly answer this once and for all.


Receiving calls from scammers when you've gone out of your way to prevent them from calling you can be rather frustrating.

Unfortunately, despite being on the Do Not Call list, you may still receive unwanted calls due to a few reasons:

Some types of calls are exempt from the Do Not Call regulations. These include calls from political organizations, charities and companies with whom you have an existing business relationship. Of course, if the scammer spoofs a government phone number, they may appear to be exempt from the Do Not Call list, even though they are not actually a legitimate government entity.


Scammers often disregard the Do Not Call list and continue to make unsolicited calls. These individuals and organizations engage in illegal activities and are not bound by the regulations set forth by the FTC. After all, these scammers are not really likely to follow the rules.

Sometimes, telemarketing companies or organizations may inadvertently call numbers on the Do Not Call list due to data errors or technical issues. Though, this is less likely.

Additionally, scammers can purchase phone numbers on the dark web, allowing them to target a wide range of individuals regardless of their registration on the Do Not Call list.

Again, because scammers can spoof phone numbers to make any number appear on the caller ID (even if it belongs to someone else), it's much easier for them to bypass the Do Not Call list loophole.


How to keep scammers from calling you at all costs

While we'd like to think it's enough to put your number on the national and state Do Not Call list, as we learned from this subscriber, it's not a foolproof method. They can still find ways to get to you. That being said, don't neglect putting your number on this list. Keeping scammers from calling you requires a combination of different strategies, and each one helps reduce the number of scam calls you'll get over time.

1. Invest in personal data removal services: While no service promises to remove all your data from the internet, having a removal service is great if you want to constantly monitor and automate the process of removing your information from hundreds of sites continuously over a longer period of time. Remove your personal data from the internet with my top picks here.

2. Check to see if any websites you have an account with may have had a data breach recently. Changing your passwords frequently can help prevent more damage from being done. Also consider using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords.

3. Don’t answer calls from unknown numbers. Let them go to voicemail.

4. Use your phone's spam blocker features.


5. Notify your mobile service provider about the calls and see what they can help you do.

6. Never reply or call back a number you don't recognize. If the area code is familiar to you but not the rest of the phone number, it could very well be a scammer who is intentionally phone spoofing someone's number within the same area code for the sole purpose that you'll recognize it and feel more inclined to answer it.

7. Block robocalls and unknown numbers.

8. Report the unwanted calls to the FTC and your state attorney general’s office, especially if it's a repeated number or person claiming to be from the same organization.

9. If the calls are still coming, consider changing your phone number.

10. Consult a consumer protection attorney if the calls really don't stop.

11. Remember never to provide your personal information over the phone. If anyone calls you to ask for your sensitive data, do not give it over, even as trusting the person might sound or as legitimate as the reason may seem. These days, because scams are so prevalent, there shouldn't be any company calling you and asking you for this information over the phone. Always do your due diligence.


Putting your phone number on the Do Not Call list is a great step in keeping scammers away. But it's not the only way. It takes utilizing different strategies — and keeping up with those strategies — to send the scammers elsewhere.

If you could design a new feature for smartphones to prevent scam calls, what would it be? Let us know by writing us at Cyberguy.com/Contact

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