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Chat log from R20 of 2024: Collingwood vs Richmond

navy_blues: should be a flogging no nankervis
cammo92: going to need you to match Sheezel’s effort yesterday thanks Nick
naicosfan: lets see if we can play more than 1 quarter
Pavs: Buckley just said Pendles has a basketball background. Who knew
navy_blues: i say that bout blues every week naicos lol
naicosfan: we must have the same problem lol
naicosfan: naicos cannot hit a handball
pcaman2003: naicosfan. Last weeks game a good wake up call for your boys.
DANGERous: big game for baker
Creed1: woudl love naicos to stay low here
naicosfan: hopefully pca
Noxious: afternoon gents
Noxious: great goal
pcaman2003: Arvo Noxious! Nice win against the Blue baggers the other night.
Noxious: Gday pca, I agree, was very happy with it! Didn’t expect it, even tipped the blues lol
naicosfan: i like the short kicks, keeping possession has been a real struggle
Noxious: Hawks have the chance to sneak into the 8 today how goods that, I’ve loved watching them lately
naicosfan: the quality of the arc’s replays are horrible
navy_blues: great commentators again today bucks only talks about collingwood
Noxious: Yeah all this technology and thats all we get
naicosfan: i feel like commentators should not be able to commentate on teams that they have played for/coached to eliminate bias
navy_blues: agreed
Noxious: Agreed
pcaman2003: noxious. Hoping we get the job done today over there
DaicosQB: If we had to listen to the Richmond collective commentating over grand finals you can cope with a Buckley sunday
bhg26: Had the c on naicos this week, knew i shouldnt have taken vc sheezels 160
Noxious: I also did bhg, but couldnt argue with the 160
Pavs: Enjoying having the C on him as had a vc fail this week
_Wang_: Could have taken neale 116 but rolled on daicos. Could be a good call
KangaBanga: Daicos on track for 55 disposals
naicosfan: lovely goal by brown for his 1st
pcaman2003: I finally picked a winning VC in Sheez. FINALLY!
Manowar: Yze u idiot, tag that ass clown N Daicos
Pavs: Don’t think Daicos is the ass clown Manowar.
Manowar: think again Pavs, ass clown he is
CamT: Please keep that suggestion to yourself Manowar.
KangaBanga: Good to see Richmond not playing the negative tag and trusting their processes
Pavs: haha:)
riolisbong: you put the vc on sheez, the tigs was like ok hold my beer
Ninty: Yikes, this is ridiculous by Naicos
CamT: Pretty sure Naicos was on 76 SC at 1/4 time.
KangaBanga: He?s still gonna score 200 CamT
CamT: Hope so, KamgaBanga.
Ninty: Going to be a long day for tiges
DANGERous: get the ball baker
pcaman2003: KangaBanga. That 200 is slipping away this qtr.
OffaStep: Happy with my Sheez VC choice. I feel like Fky might rest Naicos a bit. 84% TOG atm but if Pies keep this up…
Social: Dya reckon I should take Humphries 82 or let Dowling play?
naicosfan: onya long
soup: Same situation social, I’m personally taking humph but if you need to do something extreme for a matchup then play dowl
Ninty: Only 5 disposals this quarter, spud
bhg26: Nick Daicos hasnt even laid a tackle yet, soft
Pavs: Hard to lay a tackle when you own the footy
nbartos: you dont take your Lambo thru the mud bhg
pcaman2003: bhg. In fairness he has 11 cp’s
KangaBanga: Shh pcaman2003 I?ve just creamed my pants at the thought of of a 400 C
mattpanag: no hitouts either, rage trade time
Hepatitis: Both these sides aren?t playing finals. I?ll take the number one pick thanks
Apachecats: Can’t tackle when you’re in possesion all the time bhg , 24 pos well before half time. 11 CP
bhg26: There we go
bhg26: No free kicks for either mattpanag
mattpanag: haha disgusting
pcaman2003: KnagaBanga..Back on track again. Good luck!
Pavs: They are having a competition in the commentary box saying “time & space” they laugh after they say it
Ninty: 11 CP?s is just 11 loose ball gets
soup: Alrighty that’s enough naicos tactical sub time
KangaBanga: Waiting for Razor Ray to insert himself
Social: don’t forget to use protection Kanga
beerent11: 200 ?s are pretty rare. A lot of them end up 150-170 from this stage. Good luck though.
Apachecats: Parker sub.
Kidult: He would need 3.0 to get to 200
Hazza09: Daicos gets pinned for holding the ball and goes + 5 lol
Apachecats: Naicos definately slowing up this quarter.
naicosfan: apache they are just showing more attention to him
DANGERous: go baker
nbartos: Is Rhyan Mansell even on the park?
Hazza09: apache he is still going 150
tor01doc: Keep Naicos C. Don?t be greedy.
Ninty: Naicos only 15 disposals since QT. Traded out tonight #cooked
DANGERous: get the ball baker
Pavs: He probably wont get picked next week Ninty. Good move i reckon
Kidult: Daicos clangers increase when he has a cooler
Noxious: ‘should be able to bring pendles back on’ no thats why you have a sub, too bad if you chose tactical
Pavs: Just get rid of the sub. Put another on the bench.
Ninty: Then they?ll want 5 and a sub, Pavs.
Noxious: then 6 and a sub
thesilentl: The stupidity in here is severe
Pavs: Probably Ninty.
banta: shai bolton such a wasted talent
thesilentl: Afl should remove sub but add a concussion sub like the nrl so teams aren’t punished for taking precautions
banta: crisp tackle missed
J_Herer: Ridley to Naicos it is
beerent11: Ridley injury may not be too bad. They?re saying probably corked thigh.
beerent11: That was the original idea silent.

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