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Two Candidates Reportedly Emerge as Frontrunners in Race to Become Kamala Harris’s Running Mate and They Both Have Serious Drawbacks

As she approaches a running mate decision, Kamala Harris is turning her focus to two candidates from swing states according to a report.

The New York Post reported Saturday that Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Arizona Senator Mark Kelly have emerged as the frontrunners to Harris’s selection with Shapiro seemingly having an edge at this time given his high approval rating.

“Shapiro is toward the top,” said one source told the Post. “Locking down Pennsylvania would change the entire trajectory of the race.”

Kelly’s strengths are his professional background as a former astronaut, Navy veteran, and a supposed “moderate” voting record. Kelly is also married to former Democrat Rep. Gabby Giffords, who was shot in the head and nearly assassinated in January 2011 outside a Safeway grocery store in Casas Adobes, Arizona.

Meghan McCain, the daughter of the late Arizona Senator John McCain, gushed about Kelly in an interview with the Post and called him a “dangerous” foe for the GOP.

“He and his wife Gabby are very well-liked and respected in Arizona. His military and NASA background is obviously very compelling and inspirational. He is a dangerous choice for Republicans,” she boasted.

However, both Shapiro and Kelly possess significant vulnerabilities. The Gateway Pundit reported earlier today that Shapiro has been accused of sexism and covering up sexual harassment.

The scandal involved a woman who accused her boss, Shapiro legislative liaison Mike Vereb, of sexual harassment. Shapiro’s office then tried to put the matter to rest by reaching a $295,000 settlement with her.

Shapiro is also accused of receiving campaign funds from an illegal scheme involving the Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) and the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) during his 2022 gubernatorial campaign.

The Freedom Foundation, a conservative think tank, alleges the PSEA made two contributions of roughly $1.5 million from its general treasury to the Fund for Student Success (FSS). The group says the FSS is a political fund operated by the PSEA.

The PSEA proceeded to reportedly send the money to the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) which then contributed to Shapiro’s campaign for governor.

Senator Kelly also has some serious weaknesses. While he is perceived as more “moderate” and “electable” than Harris, he is actually one of America’s foremost gun control activists.

Moreover, he has supported abolishing the Senate filibuster to help implement a far-left policy wishlist, including weakening election integrity laws.

Kelly has hands dirty with Chinese communists as well. As The Gateway Pundit reported, the Arizona senator previously founded a surveillance balloon company funded by a Chinese venture capitalist.

The company, Tucson-based World View, received funding from Tencent. Which is among the largest tech companies in China. The funding was provided both in 2013 and 2016.

When Tencent invested in World View, the company primarily focused on space tourism.

This news is particularly alarming when one considers last year a Chinese spy balloon floated over the U.S. for days with Biden’s full approval until it was finally shot down. How much sensitive intelligence was collected before the balloon met its demise in the Atlantic Ocean remains unknown.

Whoever Harris ultimately ends up choosing, one can expect America to resemble a corrupt banana republic where allies are rewarded and their crimes covered up. Meanwhile, conservatives will be persecuted for nonexistent crimes and bullied for speaking out against a Harris regime.

The post Two Candidates Reportedly Emerge as Frontrunners in Race to Become Kamala Harris’s Running Mate and They Both Have Serious Drawbacks appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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