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I think I look a decade younger than I am & I always get mistaken for a high-schooler – but trolls don’t seem to agree

A WOMAN who insists she always gets mistaken for a high-schooler has found herself brutally humbled.

Courtney Petri, believed to be from the US, took to TikTok to proudly show off her youthful looks – but the response was not the one she was after.

The woman claimed she’s always been mistaken for someone younger
Unfortunately, TikTok users humbled her

According to the fashionista, who reckons she looks a whole decade younger, strangers always fail at guessing her true age, with many allegedly assuming she hasn’t even graduated from school yet.

”I always get mistaken for a high-schooler,” the woman recently revealed in a video.

All chuffed with her looks, the brunette beauty uploaded a clip where she claimed she’s often said to look under 18, despite being almost 30.

”Is somebody gonna match my freak? Is 27 but looks 17.”

Unfortunately for the style lover, who was sporting a sleek half-updo, the comments were anything but kind, as TikTok users quickly pointed out that it wasn’t necessarily the case, in their eyes.

Thousands flocked to share their initial guesses – and sadly, many insisted that not only did Courtney not look 17, but that she also appeared to be older.

”You don’t look a day under 37,” wrote one meanie, as 68k others gave the comment a like.

Another agreed, writing: ”More like is 27 years old, looks 37.”

Someone else joked: ”17 years until retirement.”

A fourth noted that perhaps with the ”high school” remark people had referred to something else – the staff at school.

”A high school teacher maybe…”

After taking the internet by storm for all the wrong reasons, the style lover uploaded another clip where she hit back at the trolls.

”Y’all need to chill out – my age is not even that serious.

How to reverse ageing in just 2 weeks, according to royal go-to nutritionist

LONDON -based Gabriela Peacock, who has helped the likes of Prince Harry and Princess Eugenie prepare for their weddings.

She told Fabulous: “The science is evident that we all have the power to make simple life changing alterations to better our future selves – no matter what genetic hand we might have been dealt with.

“The reality is, we all sometimes indulge in unhealthy eating habits like processed foods, smoking cigarettes, drinking too much alcohol, inhaling city pollutants, and even drinking water from plastic bottles – none of this is good for us. 

“All this does is promote the ageing process, but we all have the potential to change this.”

It may be hard, but try to keep away from sugary carbohydrates, because they feed chronic inflammation, which is one of the worst enemies of reversing ageing. 

Now only will you end up putting on weight if you consume them regularly, but your energy and hormonal levels will be affected and this will influence how you look and feel.

Whatever your age or state of health, it’s never too late to reverse how quickly you are ageing and embrace the energy and vigour of a younger you.

Antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, and E, are essential in neutralising free radicals—the culprits behind premature ageing. 

Integrating a spectrum of colourful fruits and vegetables into your diet provides a potent source of antioxidants.

Omega-3 fatty acids, abundant in fatty fish like salmon and flaxseeds, are vital for maintaining skin elasticity and hydration. 

Omega-3s act as nourishment for your skin, locking in moisture and diminishing fine lines and wrinkles. 

Collagen, a structural protein dwindling with age, can be replenished through collagen-rich foods like bone broth and lean protein sources. 

”My entire life people have told me I looked younger than my age, probably because I’m really short,” claimed Courtney, who added that on average she gets mistaken for a 21-year-old.

”I was definitely dramatic when I put 17 – but regardless, y’all need to chill out.”

Speaking of youthful looks, one woman, who’s about to ”enter the workforce”, recently hit headlines after allegedly being ID’ed to buy a hot dog.

”I gave her [the lady at the till] my credit card and she goes ‘Oh no, honey, you’re gonna need your mum or dad to pay for that’.”

Despite emphasis that the payment method was, in fact, her credit card, the lady at the till refused to believe the foodie and even demanded to see her ID card.

”I know I’m gonna be thankful to look young in a few decades from now on – but right now, I really want to look 20,” the woman moaned.

The fresh-faced woman took to Instagram to share the mini blunder which almost left her hungry

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And now our Fabulous High Street Fashion Awards are back – giving you the chance to voice your opinion on all your favourite brands.

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