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Newsom urges Oakland officials to tighten 'extreme' policy that restricts police chases

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, called on Oakland officials Friday to amend an "extreme" policy that generally only allows police to chase suspected criminals in cases of "violent forcible crimes."

The governor sent a letter to Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao, the Oakland City Council and the Oakland Police Commission urging them to reconsider the Oakland Police Department (OPD) policy that limits officers' ability to pursue suspects.

"Although some California jurisdictions allow vehicle pursuits for only certain crimes (e.g., felonies), Oakland is an outlier by imposing exceptional restrictions on OPD's ability to police criminal activity, generally permitting pursuits only for 'violent forcible crimes,' as defined in OPD's policy, and crimes involving firearms," Newsom wrote. 

The letter said that, unlike most other jurisdictions in the state, local police in Oakland are prohibited from pursuing people suspected of committing various felonies and any misdemeanor, including those that are violent, as well as other offenses that endanger public safety, such as reckless driving, sideshow activity and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


"I am mindful of the sensitivities around vehicle pursuits, which can be dangerous to police, suspects, and innocent bystanders," the governor wrote. "California's Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training recognizes and addresses this in its standard-setting guidance. But there is also extreme danger to the public in allowing criminals to act with impunity, and the reckless driving associated with sideshows and other criminal acts is a significant threat to public safety — as witnessed regularly by the public in viral videos and news coverage."

This comes after Newsom's recent move to increase California Highway Patrol (CHP) in Oakland to conduct surge operations targeting organized crime, sideshows, carjackings and other criminal activity.

Newsom said the move quickly produced several arrests of suspects accused of committing these crimes. Two days after the governor's announcement, the CHP used ground and airborne assets to conduct a surge operation targeting sideshows. Several vehicle pursuits through that operation led to five felony arrests, eight DUIs, the recovery of eight stolen vehicles and the seizure of two guns.

"In the course of the CHP’s operations, however, they have observed, based on their professional law enforcement experience and expertise, certain dynamics that are contributing to Oakland's public safety challenges," Newsom wrote in the letter. "In particular, the CHP has brought to my attention that they observed criminals often fleeing with impunity because it’s common knowledge that the Oakland Police Department’s ('OPD') pursuit policy allows vehicle pursuits in only very limited circumstances."

Newsom said CHP observed suspects attempting to avoid arrest by using the same routes, meaning that the suspects knew where OPD would stop chasing them. But, the governor said, the suspects were unable to avoid the six pursuits initiated by CHP, which had a number of resources available to them, including air support.



"Any policy on vehicle pursuits must be clear-eyed in balancing the risks and benefits involved," Newsom's letter read. "Because of Oakland's public safety challenges and the degree to which OPD's pursuit policy is an outlier among California law enforcement agencies, I support the recent action by the City Council to direct a review of this policy.

"I urge you to reconsider whether OPD should be permitted to pursue suspects in more circumstances to improve public safety in your city and to establish a process to evaluate whether OPD is making full use of its authority, including that granted under the existing pursuit policy, to protect public safety and enforce the law," he continued.

Newsom concluded his letter by saying he is committed to improving public safety in Oakland and across California. He said there have been some recent improvements in public safety, but that officials "owe it to our communities to continue to search for solutions."

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