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How dare Biden do that?


How dare he do that? How dare President Joe Biden – a “leader” who dedicated his younger years to avidly avoiding military service during the Vietnam war, five times filing waivers for asthma while still continuing to play football and serve as a lifeguard – mock a prestigious combat-award recipient of the Bronze Star, former Army Ranger and Colorado Rep. Jason Crow who is a member of Biden’s own party? The congressman courageously served a total of three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What caused Biden to go off the deep end in criticizing Crow? The congressman, along with other moderate Democrats, made a zoom call to the president to express their concerns about him running for reelection due to his questionable mental state. They clearly recognized Biden serving a second term as not being in the country’s best national security interests. As the call was subsequently leaked to the public, there is no dispute about Biden’s subsequent rant and thus no way for Biden handlers to cover up what was said.

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To the credit of these moderate Democrats, they may well have influenced Biden’s decision days later not to seek reelection. But there is no excuse for what Biden put Crow through during that call.

The call reveals a president who is barely lucid as he is unable to complete sentences or his thoughts, rambling on and on while losing his train of thought. It is inconceivable this man could conduct any kind of meaningful dialogue with world leaders – or even with himself, if left alone in a room to do so. One of the participants claimed he “lost a ton of respect” for Biden during the call. The nature of the call is particularly damning when one considers not only were all participants Democrats, but even the news outlet releasing it – Puck News – is typically left-leaning.

It was after Crow mentioned the importance of national security to voters that Biden directed an attack against the Democratic congressmen. In doing so he unsurprisingly launched into a tirade of completely false claims in which he outrageously took credit for putting NATO “back together” – an odd assertion, as it had never fallen apart:

“First of all, I think you’re dead wrong on national security. You saw what happened recently in terms of the meeting we had with NATO. I put NATO together. Name me a foreign leader who thinks I’m not the most effective leader in the world on foreign policy. Tell me! Tell me who the hell that is! Tell me who put NATO back together! Tell me who enlarged NATO, tell me who did the Pacific basin! Tell me who did something that you’ve never done with your Bronze Star like my son – and I’m proud of your leadership, but guess what, what’s happening, we’ve got Korea and Japan working together, I put Aukus together, anyway! … Things are in chaos, and I’m bringing some order to it. And again, find me a world leader who’s an ally of ours who doesn’t think I’m the most respected person they’ve ever.”

Never missing an opportunity to garner sympathy for himself due to the death of his late son Beau who died of brain cancer, Biden seems to praise the Bronze Star Beau was awarded for his army tour in Iraq as somehow being more significant than Crow’s. The fact of the matter is that is absolute hogwash as just the reverse is true. While Beau received his Bronze Star for meritorious service as a lawyer safely behind friendly lines, it was not awarded for combat valor or heroism on the battlefield as was Crow’s. Crow’s was earned as an 82nd Airborne platoon commander during one of the largest sustained urban combat warfare operations in which it had been involved since World War II.

In listening to Biden’s self-aggrandizing soliloquy, one has a flashback to the 1990s Saturday Night Live skit of Stuart Smiley, played by comedian Al Franken, sitting in front of a mirror and affirming to himself what a terrific person he is. Back then, such an affirmation was humorous for not being real. Today, such an affirmation by a serving president is a bad dream. Fortunately, with Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential election, this national nightmare will now come to an end.

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