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Embracing omnichannel commerce with a unified payments partner

In today’s dynamic retail landscape, consumer expectations are evolving rapidly. Customers no longer distinguish between online and offline shopping; they demand a seamless, integrated experience across all channels.

This shift towards omnichannel commerce is not just a trend but a necessity for retailers aiming to stay competitive and meet the demands of today’s shoppers. 

While transitioning to this new reality can seem overwhelming, partnering with the right payments provider can be the key to facilitating a smooth evolution.

The rise of omnichannel commerce

Omnichannel retailers offer shopping experiences across various sales channels – online, in-store, mobile, and more. This approach enables customers to interact with brands across multiple touchpoints, enhancing convenience, satisfaction, and loyalty. 

While in Australia, in-store experiences continue to hold immense value for consumers, online retail shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, a recent study by Nielsen IQ found that 49 per cent of shoppers surveyed frequent a combination of online and offline channels for their consumer-packaged goods shopping, signalling a greater shift towards omnichannel shopping.

Benefits for retailers and consumers

There are many advantages of omnichannel commerce. For consumers, it offers unparalleled flexibility and convenience. They can browse products online, check in-store availability, experience the products in-store and make purchases through their preferred channels. 

For retailers, omnichannel commerce opens new avenues for sales and customer engagement. By offering online and offline sales channels, retailers open themselves up to more sales opportunities and, with the right tools, can gain a comprehensive view of customer behaviour, preferences, and purchasing patterns. This treasure trove of data unlocks opportunities for more personalised marketing and improved inventory management.

Enhancing customer experience

A key element of a successful omnichannel strategy is the ability to offer various payment methods across channels. A recent report by the Australian Retailers Association found that payment options scored 54 points out of 100 in terms of importance. All-in-one payment providers, like Till Payments, offer a wide range of solutions, including credit or debit cards, digital wallets like Alipay, and buy now, pay later services across various channels. This diversity caters to different customer preferences, enhancing the overall shopping experience.

Native integrations and unified systems

Achieving a successful omnichannel retail presence requires a powerful backend system that seamlessly unifies data across various channels. A unified system ensures real-time inventory updates, accurate sales tracking, and cohesive customer data management. To meet these needs, selecting the right payment provider is crucial – one that can effortlessly integrate their omnichannel payment stack with existing retail systems. This facilitates a smooth transition to an omnichannel model, delivering an optimised shopping experience for customers.

Till Payments offers an extensive network of integrations, connecting to over 700 POS systems, including industry-leading tools like BigCommerce, Magento, WooCommerce, Apparel21 and Harmony. With seamless connections to popular retail integrations, retailers can ensure smooth and efficient operations across all sales channels. 

Future trends in cross-channel commerce

As technology advances, the potential for omnichannel commerce continues to expand. Innovations such as augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) are set to further enhance the shopping experience. For example, AR can allow customers to virtually try on products before purchasing, while AI-driven personalisation can offer tailored product recommendations based on individual preferences. 

Retail industry fast movers are already adapting to the rapid changes, with a recent study finding 91 per cent of ANZ retailers are already investing in generative AI.  

Finding the right payments partner

Navigating the complexities of omnichannel commerce requires a reliable partner with expertise in payment solutions and retail system integration. Retailers should seek partners that offer a range of services designed to deliver exceptional customer experiences across all channels. From seamless payment processing to real-time data insights, successful retail businesses need the right tools to thrive in a competitive landscape.

Omnichannel is transforming the retail industry by providing a seamless, integrated and flexible shopping experience. Retailers who embrace this approach can expect increased customer satisfaction, improved sales, and enhanced operational efficiency.

The post Embracing omnichannel commerce with a unified payments partner appeared first on Inside Retail Australia.

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Event DJ Fest: В Москве пройдет масштабный фестиваль ивент-диджеев


«Спартак» — ЦСКА — 3:4 Б. Видеообзор финала Кубка мэра Москвы

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