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Who are the real racists?


The flood of accusations we were just getting used to is about to be upgraded to a tsunami. We have to know how to respond.

Donald Trump was once heralded as a healer and a champion of equal rights by no less than Jesse Jackson and the entire New York liberal class. He was the toast of the town, known for hiring practices that had benefitted the minority workers for years and for creating tens of thousands of jobs for all New Yorkers, as he pushed the New York skyline higher. He was honored again and again for his good works and good will, by the elite of both parties, half of whom now suffer from selective amnesia, and he received rewards from organizations that, sadly, no longer love him quite as much as they used to.

But he embraced conservative populism and the Democrat Party fell into the hands of committed communists. He is still a builder. They are destroyers, dedicated to the fall of the country he loves. There can no longer be a meeting in the middle. The builder will win or the demolition crew will be free to finish its work.

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Though everything he has done has been to the benefit of all Americans – while remaining sensitive to special oppressions of people of color – the communists have seen fit to lie and slander and demand that their followers believe, all evidence aside, that he is now a virulent racist, a threat to the very freedom and existence of everyone … except the Christian white nationalists, of course.

This is their formula for the vile victory they seek. Create misery in the inner cities, where they have herded people of color, and sold them a big lie, that their grief is the conscious will of those who have not governed there for decades. That the police are not there to help, but are as an occupying army, to be heroically resisted. District attorneys, in our major cities have established policies of siding with the lowest of the communities they should be serving and protecting.

Murder rates explode where the real racists charge the police with such a bias as deserving of being defunded. By prosecuting the police more readily than criminals, they create law enforcement unwilling to act and unable to protect. With the flooding of funds from Mr. Soros and a host of NGO’s being fed through the Tides Foundation, they have released a host of predators, back into the neighborhoods, to steal and murder and terrorize people who once could walk the streets in safety.

Here is how we can tell who the real racists are.

The real racists supply communities of color with twice the number of pre-natal slaughterhouses than are found in white communities with five times the population. Margaret Sanger sings their praises from hell. The real racists provide schools that are meant to be factories of brainwashed illiteracy. The real racists propagandize the colored folk with endless excuses to hate the whites, while convincing as many as possible of the absurdity that black folks, being oppressed, cannot be racist, by definition, and claiming this is the essence of “anti-racism.” The real racists are among the truly godless, who fill the souls of God’s children with soul-killing hatred. They delight in watching the poorest and angriest bleed out in the streets, confined to their monotone neighborhoods and turning this culture of hatred against each other. The real racists, hands over hearts, proclaim their love of their victims, and promise them streets of gold, while standing over them with a boot on their throat while calculating just how they might steer the gathering insanity.

Who are the real anti-racists?

We are the ones who honor Martin Luther King Jr’s prayerful dream that we should judge by the measure of a man’s character and not by the color of his skin. We are the ones who understand that the standard of meritocracy and the aim of excellence, in all things, is critical to building a society in which all can truly thrive. We understand that schools much disciplined and demanding the best, for the elevation of all, rather than indulgent and permissive, to the detriment of all and supporting the obscenely racist assumption of lesser ability.

We are the ones who stand against anti-white racism, as no more virtuous than the old standards of Jim Crow, that once bedeviled people of darker skin. We are the white folk brave and able enough to acknowledge that we have known, each and every one of us, blacks who were the better man or woman than we. We are the black folks secure in their own excellence, needing not the approval of whites nor fearing their disapproval. We are the ones who are saddened by any show of racialism, without being tempted to hate, and therefore the stronger to resist it.

We are the anti-racists who are unconfused, that the greater good of the common, decent folk must be addressed in every community, by the commission of justice, laid down with as heavy a hand as any criminal infestation calls for.

If a distorted notion of anti-racism is addressed exclusively to the indecent and criminal, then the decent and law abiding will suffer a cruel and utterly racist oppression. The challenge to every left-wing politician and race-baiting promoter of the latest “narrative” is to define your “anti-racism.” Does it mean you will protect the honest and hard-working householder “of color”, or do them harm by freeing criminals “of color” to pray upon them.

Long ago I was drawn to acknowledge a bit of wisdom from the lips of Malcolm X. He said, “The worst enemy of the black community is the white liberal.”

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