THE Club is making improvements to its environmental practices and operations which will see the Claret and Blues become greener.
Could all fans assist the club in working towards a better environment by looking out for the bins specially labelled bins as shown above.
There are bins specifically for plastic and can waste only and all other general waste should go in the other bins, with the black labels.
The club are working to get additional bins so that many more can be positioned around the ground. Also please ensure that any waste you do have is placed in the bins provided.
Thank you
MAE’R Clwb yn gwneud gwelliannau i’w arferion a gweithrediadau amgylcheddol a troi’r Bae yn wyrdd.
Gall cefnogwyr helpu’r clwb i weithio tuag at amgylchedd gwell ddefnyddio’r biniau sydd wedi’u labelu’n arbennig fel y dangosir uchod.
Mae yna finiau yn benodol ar gyfer plastig a caniau yn unig a dylai gwastraff cyffredinol arall fynd yn y biniau eraill, gyda’r labeli du.
Mae’r clwb yn gweithio i gael biniau ychwanegol fel y gellir gosod llawer mwy o amgylch y maes. Sicrhewch hefyd fod unrhyw wastraff sydd gennych yn cael ei roi yn y biniau a ddarperir.
Support the Seagulls this summer by looking after our great outdoors.
We’ve partnered with National Resources Wales to advise supporters on how to respect, protect & enjoy with the #Countryside
Cefnogwch Fae Colwyn yr haf hwn…. drwy ofalu am ein cefn gwlad gwych
Rydym wedi partneru gyda Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru i gynghori cefnogwyr ar sut i barchu, diogelu a mwynhau gyda’r #CodCefnGwlad.