Parahydrogen-induced polarization (PHIP) is a potent technique for generating target molecules with high nuclear spin polarization. The PHIP process involves a chemical reaction between parahydrogen and a target molecule, followed by the transformation of nuclear singlet spin order into magnetization of a designated target nucleus through magnetic field manipulations. Although the singlet-to-magnetization polarization transfer process works effectively at moderate concentrations, it is observed to become much less efficient at high molar polarization, defined as the product of polarization and concentration. This strong dependence on the molar polarization is attributed to interference due to the field produced by the sample magnetization during polarization transfer, which leads to complex dynamics and can severely affect the scalability of the technique. We address this challenge with a pulse sequence that suppresses the influence of the distant dipolar field, while simultaneously achieving singlet-to-magnetization polarization transfer to the desired target spins, free from restrictions on the molar polarization.
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