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Charlotte Dujardin’s fiancé breaks his silence after Team GB medallist is BANNED over video of her whipping horse

CHARLOTTE DUJARDIN’S fiancé has spoken out after the equestrian was forced to quit the Olympics when a shocking video emerged of her whipping a horse.

Dujardin was banned from the sport ahead of the start of the Paris Olympics after being accused of whipping the animal on its legs more than 24 times.

Charlotte Dujardin with her fiance Dean Wyatt-Golding in 2016[/caption]
A video appeared to show Dujardin whipping a horse several times with a long whip
She allegedly used the whip over 25 times in one minute
Marc Aspland - The Times
Charlotte Dujardin has been dropped as an ambassador for a horse welfare charity[/caption]

The six-time medallist was hoping to become Britain’s most-decorated female Olympian – currently tied with cyclist Laura Kenny.

The former eventer said her career was now “in tatters”.

Video footage was sent to the International Federation for Equestrian Sports (FEI) on Monday which allegedly shows Dujardin mistreating the horse at a training venue in the UK.

Dujardin, 39, has been suspended pending an investigation.

Dujardin’s fiancé, Dean Wyatt Golding has now spoken for the first time since the distressing clip was first aired on Good Morning Britain, saying the allegations had “all come out of the blue”.

Speaking outside their home, he said: “I can’t say anything beyond Charlotte’s statement.

“All we can do is wait and see what happens.”

Replying to queries about how the video might have been shared, Mr Golding added: “No, we have no idea.

“Charlotte is obviously cooperating with the equestrian authorities for now.”

Britain’s greatest horsewoman said she was “deeply ashamed” by her “error of judgement” in a coaching session “from four years ago”.

The footage showed Dujardin hitting the horse with a long whip during a lesson with a 19-year-old female student at her private stable – with the whistleblower being a sponsor of the girl who was riding the horse in the video.

The FEI, the sport’s governing body, launched a probe into the incident and handed Dujardin a provisional six-month ban.

That was after a Dutch lawyer claimed that the anonymous whistleblower “couldn’t stand to watch her win a medal at Paris 2024”.

The whistleblower’s lawyer Stephan Wensing, who shared the video, had previously compared the treatment to that of “an elephant in a circus” and claimed it happened in 2022.

He told GMB: “My client used to be a sponsor, and she was in the UK, and she sponsored a lesson for Charlotte to a student. It was a young girl of 19 years old riding her horse, and she got a lesson from Charlotte Dujardin in the UK.

“Charlotte Dujardin was in the middle of the arena. She said to the student, ‘your horse must lift up the legs more in the canter’. 

“She took the long whip and she was beating the horse more than 24 times in one minute and really hard, really harsh, really tough.

“This is not just one incident. My client has visited Charlotte Dujardin’s stable more times and she has seen it happen more times.”

The emergence of the video, that Dujardin insists was four years ago, ended hopes of her competing at Paris 2024.

In the upsetting clip, she repeatedly uses a long whip to hit a horse’s legs during training.

Dujardin had already issued an apology and claimed it was “completely out of character” and an “error of judgement.”

She had not travelled to France prior withdrawing three days before the Opening Ceremony along the Seine.

Her statement read: “A video has emerged from four years ago which shows me making an error of judgement during a coaching session.

“Understandably, the International Federation for Equestrian Sports (FEI) is investigating.

“And I have made the decision to withdraw from all competition – including the Paris Olympics – while this process takes place.

“What happened was completely out of character and does not reflect how I train my horses or coach my pupils, however there is no excuse.

FEI statement in full on Charlotte Dujardin

THE FEI has officially announced the provisional suspension of British Dressage athlete Charlotte Dujardin (FEI ID: 10028440) for a period of six months, effective immediately from the date of notification, 23 July 2024.

This decision renders her ineligible to participate in the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympic Games or any other events under the jurisdiction of the FEI.

During this period of suspension, she is prohibited from participating in any activities related to competitions or events under the jurisdiction of the FEI or any competition or event under the jurisdiction of a National Federation (NF). This also includes any FEI or NF-related activities.

In addition, the British Equestrian Federation has mirrored this provisional suspension, which also makes Ms. Dujardin ineligible to compete in any national events during this period.

On 22 July 2024, the FEI received a video depicting Ms. Dujardin engaging in conduct contrary to the principles of horse welfare. This video was submitted to the FEI by a lawyer representing an undisclosed complainant.

According to the information received, the footage was allegedly taken several years ago during a training session conducted by Ms. Dujardin at a private stable.

Upon receiving the video, the FEI promptly initiated an investigation. As part of this investigation, Ms. Dujardin, British Equestrian, and British Dressage were informed of the allegations. Ms Dujardin was given a deadline of 17:00 Swiss time on 23 July to respond to the allegations.

Subsequently, Ms. Dujardin confirmed that she is the individual depicted in the video and acknowledged that her conduct was inappropriate.

On 23 July 2024, Charlotte Dujardin requested to be provisionally suspended pending the outcome of the investigations and voluntarily withdrew from the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and also confirmed that she will not participate in any competitions pending the outcome of the FEI’s investigation.

The FEI condemns any conduct contrary to the welfare of horses and has robust rules in place to address such behaviour. Our commitment to ensuring the highest standards of equine welfare and sportsmanship remains unwavering.

The FEI acknowledges the cooperation of Charlotte Dujardin, British Equestrian, and British Dressage with the ongoing investigation and intends to proceed as swiftly as possible.

“We are deeply disappointed with this case, especially as we approach the Olympic Games in Paris 2024. However, it is our responsibility and crucial that we address any instances of abuse, as equine welfare cannot be compromised,” FEI President Ingmar De Vos said.

“Charlotte has expressed genuine remorse for her actions, and we recognise and appreciate her willingness to take responsibility. Despite the unfortunate timing, we believe this action reaffirms the FEI’s commitment to welfare as the guardians of our equine partners and the integrity of our sport.”

To maintain the integrity of the investigation, the FEI will refrain from making further comments on this matter until the process is concluded.

“I am deeply ashamed and should have set a better example in that moment.

“I am sincerely sorry for my actions and devastated that I have let everyone down, including Team GB, fans and sponsors.

“I will cooperate fully with the FEI, British Equestrian Federation and British Dressage during their investigations, and will not be commenting further until the process is complete.”

Travelling reserve Becky Moody will take Dujardin’s place on horse Jägerbomb along with teammates Carl Hester and Charlotte Fry.

The dressage team and individual competitions were due to start on Tuesday July 30.

Following Dujardin’s horse whipping controversy she has now been axed as a charity ambassador.

The six-time Olympic medal winner has been dropped as an ambassador for horse welfare charity Brooke.

In November 2023, billionaire Andreas Helgstrand was banned from riding by the Danish national dressage team until at least January 2025.

This follows claims of mistreatment of horses, which were exposed by an undercover TV documentary crew.

Last this month Denmark has hastily replaced a member of its dressage squad – Carina Cassøe Kruth – after an old video showing alleged horse abuse.

PA:Press Association
Dean Wyatt Golding says he has no idea how the video came to be shared[/caption]

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