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The F-16 Fighting Falcon Fighter Somehow Keeps Getting Better

Summary and Key Points: Lockheed Martin has delivered the first F-16 Block 70 aircraft to Slovakia, marking a significant step in modernizing the Slovak Air Force. This delivery is part of a total order of 14 advanced multirole fighters, with the remaining aircraft set to arrive by 2025. The F-16 Block 70, equipped with advanced avionics, extended structural service life, and enhanced safety features like the Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System, represents a substantial upgrade for Slovakia's defense capabilities.

-Lockheed Martin, facing high demand for the F-16, plans to increase production, ensuring continued delivery to NATO allies and other international customers.

-This move underscores the strategic importance of the F-16 in bolstering NATO's collective defense and enhancing global security.

Lockheed Martin Delivers Cutting-Edge F-16s to Strengthen NATO Allies

On Monday, aerospace giant Lockheed Martin announced that the first F-16 Block 70 aircraft had arrived in the Slovak Republic. It was one of five modernized F-16 Fighting Falcons produced for the Central European nation, while the remaining four aircraft will likely arrive later this year.

Nine additional aircraft are now being produced for the Slovak Air Force, and all 14 of the all-weather multirole fighters are on track to be delivered to the NATO member state by the end of 2025.

"Slovakia is at the forefront of adopting Europe's most advanced 4th Generation fighter, the F-16 Block 70. These jets not only represent a stronger alliance between Slovakia, the United States, and NATO allies, but also equip the Slovak Air Force with advanced capabilities to face 21st Century Security challenges," said OJ Sanchez, vice president and general manager of the Integrated Fighter Group at Lockheed Martin.

"As Slovakia has now joined the ranks of nations operating the F-16, a benchmark NATO fighter, they bolster their defense capabilities and readiness for NATO operations," added Sanchez.

The nine aircraft in production are just a tiny fraction of the orders that Lockheed Martin has received, and it was last week that Sanchez also told reporters that the company expects the production lines will remain operational for years to come.

50 Years of High Flying for F-16

Earlier this year, Edwards Air Force Base (AFB), California, hosted a celebration of the Fight Falcon, to mark the 50th anniversary of the aircraft's maiden flight – which occurred in January 1974. In those five decades, the F-16 has established itself as the most popular Western fighter in its class, and it continues to serve 28 nations around the world. The proven warbird hasn't gotten older; it has also gotten better.

The F-16, which originated under the Lightweight Fighter (LWF) program for the United States Air Force, has been produced in 138 different configurations from the prototype to its latest production models. Successive changes have seen the addition of improved cockpit technologies, enhanced avionics, sensors, and weapons – while great effort has been made to ensure the fighter is more reliable and easier to maintain.

The latest F-16s have an increased range and payload, advanced infrared sensors, and laser targeting devices, while it has improved survivability thanks to more advanced electronic warfare sensors and sophisticated decoys.

The F-16 Remains in High Demand

According to a report from Breaking Defense, Lockheed Martin is currently facing a backlog of 128 planes but it plans to double production next year to a rate of 48 aircraft annually. Even at that pace, the production lines at its facility in Greenville, South Carolina will remain operational through the end of the decade.

"We see clear opportunity towards about 300 new export F-16 aircraft sales," Sanchez told reporters. "We are obviously working closely through the FMS process [for NATO ally Turkey] and we are excited to be talking to Thailand and the Philippines."

Sanchez added the production line will continue to run "to provide those capabilities as long as the demand exists."

Other current NATO operators include Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Portugal and Turkey.

The Block 70 and Beyond

According to Lockheed Martin, the F-16 Block 70 jets are equipped with the Northrop Grumman APG-83 AESA Radar, and advanced avionics that increase the capabilities of the Fighting Falcon. In addition, the structural service life has been extended to 12,000 hours, while critical safety features including the Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System (Auto GCAS) have been incorporated in the airframe. That has proved to be a true lifesaver, as it has saved 13 aviators in a dozen incidents.

Earlier this month, Lockheed Martin delivered the 4,600th F-16 Fighting Falcon, and while the aircraft is no longer being acquired by the U.S. Air Force, Lockheed Martin continues to build the F-16 for foreign customers around the world – and it remains the most successful, combat-proven multi-role jet fighter ever produced.

Given that it shows no signs of slowing down, it is possible more than 5,000 Fighting Falcons could be hatched before the F-16 finally flies off into the sunset.

Author Experience and Expertise: Peter Suciu

Peter Suciu is a Michigan-based writer. He has contributed to more than four dozen magazines, newspapers, and websites with over 3,200 published pieces over a twenty-year career in journalism. He regularly writes about military hardware, firearms history, cybersecurity, politics, and international affairs. Peter is also a Contributing Writer for Forbes and Clearance Jobs. You can follow him on Twitter: @PeterSuciu. You can email the author: Editor@nationalinterest.org.

All images are Creative Commons and/or Shutterstock. 

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