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Kenyans say Biden pulling out of presidential race was the right move 

Nairobi — Kenyans watching the U.S. presidential race say they agree with President Joe Biden’s decision to not seek a second term. But some say that choosing a replacement capable of defeating his opponent, former president Donald Trump, is going to be a big task for the Democratic Party.

On the streets of Nairobi, many people told VOA that while Joe Biden’s decision to step out of the race must not have been easy, it was the right decision for him to make.

James Owor said he was expecting Biden to step out of the race.

"A bit unsurprising just based on what I've seen in the news. He was obviously not very well. It might not be such a bad idea to take a back seat. He didn't seem to have the energy he had," he said.

Biden’s announcement Sunday followed a rising chorus within the Democratic Party urging him to “pass the torch” amid his declining national poll numbers and concerns raised by his shaky performance in the debate against Trump last month.

Brenda Okwaro said what President Biden has done is commendable because he put the needs of his country and party ahead of his need to retain power.

"This is a move that should be emulated by our African presidents. You don't have to come to the race a second time and you know you are not going to deliver the expectations of the people who elected you. But if you feel you've done your best in your first term, you can just get out of the race, go home and rest and focus on other things. You can even give advice to people who are in leadership," she said.

Africa is home to some of the longest-serving presidents in the world, several of whom, like Biden, are in their 80s. Cameroon’s Paul Biya is 91.

Martin Andati said he believes that if Biden had stayed in the race, it would've been difficult for him to beat Republican nominee Donald Trump.

"Biden had to drop out because all the odds are against him, he can't beat Trump. So, to salvage the image and give the Democratic Party an opportunity, he had no choice but to exit the race," he said.

President Biden's announcement comes a little more than three months before the U.S. elections. Andati said he believes the Democrats still have a chance, but it all depends on who they pick to replace Biden, who has endorsed his vice president, Kamala Harris.

"The only challenge is that he exited and endorsed Kamala Harris. The numbers are not in favor of Kamala Harris. The question is do they retain Harris or what happens, those are the issues the Democratic party will have to grapple with," he said.

Macharia Munene, a professor of history and international relations at United States International University in Nairobi, said that while it took Biden a little longer to drop out of the race, it was expected. 

"The signs were that he was not up to par, and it took time before his friends and people he respects to come and tell him [it's] in the best interest of the country and himself, his own image was to step aside so that he's not embarrassed in November," said Munene.

The friends who persuaded Biden to step aside reportedly included Kenya’s favorite former U.S. president, Barack Obama. Obama is not eligible for a comeback because of the two-term limit in the U.S. Constitution.

Munene said he believes Democrats will nominate Harris.

"The question will be who'll be her running mate in the hope they will make a dent on Trump's bandwagon. For Harris, it's a good opportunity if she does not win, she will not lose very badly. Then, it's a preparation for a future encounter in case she doesn't make it, she would've created a base for herself for the next time to run, maybe in 2028," said Munene.

Democratic lawmakers, governors and financial donors have already expressed their support for Harris, who says she will work to earn the trust and backing of democratic delegates. The party’s candidate will be formally approved late next month when the party hosts its national convention.

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