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How to Replace File Explorer As the Default on Windows

When it comes to something as fundamental as File Explorer in Windows—the utility for viewing and managing files on disk—you might think that you don't have any other option but to use the tool Microsoft has provided for the task. However, there are alternative file managers available, and you can also set them as the default option.

This does require a little bit of registry hacking, so proceed carefully—though some File Explorer alternatives will do the necessary hacking for you, which makes it easier. If you ever want to go back to having the standard File Explorer as your default option, you can just delete the extra registry keys you've created to go back to normal.

Choose your file manager

Several Windows file manager tools have been discussed on Lifehacker through the years, including the slick Files app. It brings with it a polished, modern-looking interface with customizable appearance options, tabbed browsing for your folders, built-in previews for common file types, and integrations with Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive.

Another popular choice is XYplorer. There's tab support here too, as well as an intuitive dual-pane layout option, and you also get powerful search functionality and lots of customization options. It's speedy to use, and the program supports scripts as well—enabling you to automate many repetitive file management tasks.

Total Commander for Windows. Credit: Lifehacker

Then there's OneCommander, and this is one of the tools that can set itself as the default file manager by taking care of the registry hacks for you: Click the gear icon (bottom left), and check the Register as default file manager box on the Advanced tab. It's packed with useful features, including advanced filtering and folder organization tools, and you can customize the interface in all kinds of ways too.

Total Commander is another file manager to consider, and one of the most comprehensive in terms of what it can do: There are a wealth of options here, covering disk searches, file comparisons, batch processing, automatic archive handling, and quick previews. There are a pile of options to play around with, too, so you can get the file manager working exactly how you need it to.

Edit the Windows registry

Once you've found a file manager you like, you can edit the sprawling Windows registry settings file to set it as the default—though in some parts of Windows, like saving files in programs, there's no way to switch from File Explorer. You should also be aware that you edit the registry at your own risk: Bad registry keys can cause issues in Windows, though if you follow these instructions carefully, you should be fine.

Ideally, you'll be able to get your file manager of choice to set itself as the default option, so first of all you should check if this is an option. If not, you can get started on manual edits: Search for and launch the Registry Editor from the Start menu, and make a backup before you make changes (File > Export, and select All for the export range).

You then need to head to File Explorer to locate the file manager executable you want to use as your new default. Right-click on the program file, then choose Copy as path from the menu that pops up. You then need to return to the Registry Editor and create a couple of new folders and subfolders.

You need to point the registry towards your new file manager. Credit: Lifehacker

Find the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell folder, right-click on it, choose New > Key, and call it "open". Right-click on this new key folder, and again select New > Key, and call this one "command." Double-click the Default value inside this new key, and paste in the program path that you copied from File Explorer.

Click OK, and your changes are automatically saved. You then need to repeat the same process in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell folder, with the new keys and the file path. With that taken care of, restart your computer—and all being well, you'll have a new default file manager.

If you want to go back to normal, just delete the registry keys you created in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell (right-click and Delete)—File Explorer will then be restored to its previous position, though you can of course still use alternative file managers alongside it.

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