Markets regulator Sebi on Monday extended the deadline for submission of public comments to July 29 on the proposal of providing additional time for disclosure of litigations or disputes involving claims against listed firms.
Sebi, on June 26, issued a consultation paper on recommendations of the expert committee for facilitating ease of doing business and harmonisation of the provisions of ICDR (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirement) and LODR (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations and had sought public comments by July 17.
Now, it has been decided to extend the timeline for submission of comments to July 29, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said in a statement.
In its consultation paper, the regulator proposed allowing companies to conduct virtual or hybrid shareholder meetings on a permanent basis.
Also, the markets watchdog has suggested additional time for disclosure of the outcome of the board meeting that concludes after trading .