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I make £12k extra with ‘DEATH WRESTLING’ gig most people wouldn’t dare to try it – shards of glass end up in my skin

A DAD who spends his weekends death wrestling has revealed the hardcore hobby brings in £12,000 a year.

Joe Mcgivern, 37, who works in store security during the week, often ends up with shards of glass embedded in his body during his time off.

Joe Mcgivern, 37, spends his weekends death wrestling
Jam Press/@Joe Mcgivern
Jam Press/@Joe Mcgivern
He often ends up with shards of glass embedded in his body[/caption]
Jam Press/@Joe Mcgivern
But the hardcore hobby brings in £12,000 a year[/caption]

But the self-confessed “pacifist”, from Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, says the buzz is “surreal” and helps pay the bills.

Joe said: “I don’t believe in actual violence. I’m very anti-military and all that sort of stuff.

“But when I’m covered in blood and can’t breathe, the glass [in my skin] bit – it’s the closest thing to being in the trenches.

“It’s such a surreal feeling when the crowd is chanting. You’ve got to be careful when you’ve got glass flying around and people bleeding.

“But it’s such a great feeling when it goes right.”

Death matches – commonly known in wrestling as “Hardcore” – is a form of the sport where typical rules do not apply.

This includes disqualifications and count-outs.

The matches often allow wrestlers to use a wide variety of foreign objects including glass, baseball bats wrapped in wire, ladders and thumbtacks.

Joe has three children and a mortgage of £1,500 so any financial gain he gets from his hobby is a major bonus.

He said: “It does pay better than my real job and I get a thrill from it.

“The fans are a bit more hardcore. They’re super supportive and buy merchandise.

“I sell a lot of my bloody clothes as well. I probably make more money selling bloody pants than actual wrestling.”

Joe says he has been wrestling since he was 18 but didn’t start death matches until around eight years ago.

He said: “It was basically in the mid 1990s that the way wrestling was perceived changed.

Jam Press/@Joe Mcgivern
Joe says the buzz is ‘surreal’ and helps pay the bills[/caption]
Jam Press Vid/@Joe Mcgivern
He has three children and a mortgage of £1,500[/caption]

“There was a famous show in 1995 about death matches that started the whole thing.

“It’s something I’ve always wanted to do because I watched all that stuff as a teenager, like Jackass.

“I always wanted to do it but there wasn’t a scene in England at the time. It’s probably popped off in the last four or five years.

“I’m a bit of a wuss in real life, really, but I just love pro wrestling.

Inside the bloody world of hardcore wrestling

IT'S been dubbed the bloodiest sport in the world - where men and women beat each other to a pulp with glass lighting tubes, fan-made barbed-wire bats and other deadly weapons.

This is hardcore death-match wrestling and, according to fans, it’s 100 per cent more brutal than anything you’ve seen on WWE.

With a large and loyal following, these fighters travel across America – and the world – taking part in ultra-violent wrestling events – such as barefoot thumbtack matches – before patching themselves up with superglue and hitting the road.

Others hurl themselves off rooftops or scaffolding into pits of fire, glass, barbed wire – or all three – in front of wild, cheering crowds.

One of the sport’s biggest stars is “The Bulldozer” Matt Tremont, 30, who told Sun Online: “This is as real as it gets.

“When we’re getting busted open, we’re getting busted open the hard way.

“Whether that’s a steel-chair shot, or being hit with a barbed-wire bat or some other weapon – I’ve got the scars to prove it and the stories to tell.

“I’ve had many, many matches over the years, and the physicality and the injuries are definitely very real.

“There’s no special preparation – as crazy as it sounds, it’s just another day at the office for me.

“I show up to a venue, I get dressed, I talk over the match with my opponent.

“We go in there with a general idea of what we’re going to do, then I just keep to myself, get in the zone and once the bell rings I go out and do my job, which is to entertain the crowd.”

“At the end of the day, we’re still fighting in our pants for a crowd that knows it’s predetermined. I love it.”

Joe participates in death matches up to six times a month.

He said: “Sometimes you do a Friday or a Saturday show. It just depends – it’s a niche market.

“I’ve had a few bad cuts but I’ve always been able to walk after.

“I’ve been stitched up and wrestled the next day. If you do get hurt you can work around it for the next match.

“Life is dangerous. I’ve got more friends that have been hurt playing football than friends in matches.”

Joe said his kids haven’t been to a match yet but his family is supportive.

He added: “My son thinks it’s kind of cool. [My kids] obviously don’t go to those kinds of shows but they go to family shows.

“They’re still quite young.”

Jam Press/@Joe Mcgivern
Joe participates in death matches up to six times a month[/caption]
He has been wrestling since he was 18
Jam Press/@Joe Mcgivern
Jam Press/@Joe Mcgivern
Joe said his kids haven’t been to a match yet[/caption]

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