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Dynasty Warriors: Origins: Release date, platforms, new character, and more

Dynasty Warriors: Origins marks the tenth game in the series after a lengthy break since the last game.

Dynasty Warriors 9 came out in 2018 but it took until PlayStation’s State of Play 2024 event to hear a whisper of the next game in the series.

The tenth entry in the series is confirmed to be Dynasty Warriors: Origins and, from the looks of the trailer, it promises larger battles than ever before.

“When the original Dynasty Warriors debuted back in 1997, little did we know that 27 years later Koei Tecmo would be introducing an electrifying new entry into the series, ready to deliver Dynasty Warriors to the next generation of action gamers,” wrote Tomohiko Sho, Dynasty Warriors: Origins producer & Head of Omega Force at Koei Tecmo Games, in a PlayStation blog post announcing the upcoming game.

“Dynasty Warriors: Origins unleashes the largest armies ever seen in the series while also introducing a new hero to the exhilarating 1 vs. 1,000 action that made the franchise famous.”

Alongside the trailer, some sparse details are already known about the game, including a release window and some early details about gameplay and content. Read on to learn more about Dynasty Warriors: Origins and when to expect it.

When is the new Dynasty Warriors game expected to come out?

At the end of the trailer, Dynasty Warriors: Origins is revealed to be coming out some time in 2025.

Although an exact date has not yet been revealed, looking at game developer Koei Tecmo Games’ typical release schedule, we can likely expect it to come out in the first half of the year.

That also aligns with the fact that it was confirmed in May, leaving a long but appropriate time to build up anticipation.

A release at the end of 2025 might be too far removed from May 2024, proving a tricky task to maintain momentum for the long-awaited game, seven years on from the latest game in the series’ release.

What platforms will Dynasty Warriors: Origins be on?

The intense battlefield war game will be available to play on PC via Steam, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5.

You can already add it to your wishlist on all three of those gaming stores, in preparation for when pre-orders officially begin. This will mean that you’re notified whenever pre-orders start, the game is available to play, or if it goes on offer or is included in any bundles down the line.

Dynasty Warriors: Origins features and what to expect

Getting down to the nitty-gritty, there aren’t many finer details yet known about the game. Generally speaking, we should expect bigger and better battle scenes than ever.

Previous Dynasty Warriors games are beloved due to their 1 vs. 1000 combat and, even just judging from the early artwork, that trend is set to continue.

A key change is coming in who that ‘one’ will be, however. For the first time, Dynasty Warriors: Origins will debut an original character.

“We will depict the chaos of the Three Kingdoms from the eyes of a ‘nameless hero’,” wrote Tomohiko Sho. “Play through the historical tale of war through the eyes of our new protagonist, showcasing the vast land of China and its timeless soldiers and generals like never before! ”

We already know what this “nameless hero” looks like, both in combat standing against a huge swathe of enemies and from the front in some dramatic early images. They look every inch a warrior, with a huge sword strapped across their back, and dark hair sweeping in front of their eyes.

Usually, Dynasty Warriors features real figures from history and that’s likely still the case for characters the player meets. However, this is the first time the playable character will be a ‘nobody’, set in the Three Kingdoms era of Chinese history.

This person is the focal point of the trailer, which could suggest other characters will not be playable. It’s worth noting we’re still in the early days of the developers promoting this game, meaning more information could come out about who this “hero” is or what other playable characters could feature.

Unlike some earlier Dynasty Warriors games, Origins is geared towards modern, powerful consoles. That means we can also likely expect a major graphics upgrade. With more power comes the possibility for larger and more detailed battles. Although all we’ve seen in the trailer so far is cinematic, rather than grounded in gameplay, those promises made by Tomohiko Sho for “the largest armies ever seen in the series” seem ready to be fulfilled.

Presumably, this will be matched with new special moves and attacks to help face down those larger armies. With Dynasty Warriors 9 scoring just 66 on Metacritic, there’s still hope from fans that the tenth entry in the franchise will return the series to its former popularity.

Featured image: Koei Tecmo Games

The post Dynasty Warriors: Origins: Release date, platforms, new character, and more appeared first on ReadWrite.

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