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I drove the 2024 Toyota Prius Prime XSE. It's so nimble I forgot I was driving a hybrid.

The 2024 Toyota Prius Prime XSE.
  • The automotive journalist Jules Rogers test-drove the 2024 Toyota Prius Prime XSE and enjoyed it.
  • The hybrid vehicle boasts updated performance and a sporty design with sleek lines and 19-inch wheels.
  • Rogers says she would splurge for the premium model if she were in the market for a new vehicle.

The 2024 Toyota Prius Prime is not your average hybrid vehicle. Its updated performance and sporty design are bonuses for drivers who want to look cool while driving a compact hybrid.

The 2024 model is extra attractive. Its alluring physique is enhanced by sleek lines, 19-inch wheels, and SofTex vegan leather seats, making it feel upscale. The third generation's good looks match its performance, and the overall ride and feel of the car have been significantly improved compared to previous models.

The 2024 plug-in hybrid has several new features, such as an updated battery pack for added range as an EV and an eight-speaker JBL sound system.

First impressions

As an automotive journalist, I test-drive new vehicles all the time. I drove the 2024 Prius Prime XSE Premium model, which is priced at $39,670, in the highest trim. The standard SE trim costs $32,795.

The Prius Prime has three driving modes: EV, Eco, and Power.

Eco mode still uses fuel, while EV mode won't take any energy from the gas tank and will run solely on the electric battery. In power mode, it changes the throttle to assist acceleration at lower speeds.

I started strictly in EV mode to familiarize myself with its responsiveness. It felt powerful and brawny, and the upgrades to the vehicle were apparent. I enjoyed the easy ride while the car only used its battery to move us along. Honestly, I forgot I was driving a hybrid vehicle because this new model feels so nimble.

When I switched to hybrid mode, I experienced combustion from the four-cylinder engine working in tandem with the battery. I noticed the 220 combined net horsepower gave me added agility to maneuver in traffic.

Drivers can travel with added confidence when driving this Prius, knowing it comes with Toyota Safety Sense 3.0, blind spot monitoring, including rear and cross-traffic alert systems, and lane change assistance.

Interior and exterior

The interior of the 2024 Toyota Prius Prime XSE.

I enjoy the aesthetic lines on the exterior of the Prius Prime XSE Premium. It's fun to look at and very sporty.

The interior of the compact EV is spacious and comfortable. Ventilated front seats allow the driver to self-regulate temperature in the summer months, and in the cold months, you have heated seats to ensure comfort year-round. The heated steering wheel is also a nice touch and adds a high-quality feel to the upscale ergonomics of the interior.

Toyota did a great job giving the operators a wide field of view. Passengers can enjoy the fixed glass roof, which offers 360-degree views all around the car, almost like fishbowl windows.

Soft vegan leather seats inside make it very comfortable, and the vehicle's ergonomics are super user-friendly. Everything in the Prius is easy to use because the JBL infotainment system is quite large.

Driving experience

The driving experience is not what you'd expect from a normal Prius.

With each iteration, Toyota continuously makes the Prius Prime smoother, quieter, and more capable. According to Toyota, the 2024 model has about 99 more horsepower than previous versions, so it's quite a bit faster.

When in EV mode, the acceleration feels perky, but when driving as a hybrid, it's actually faster. You can easily toggle back and forth and feel the Prius Prime respond, although the switchover was a little clunky.

Once I put the Prius Prime into the hybrid mode, I could tell a difference in the drive and it didn't seem as smooth, but it was still a great driving experience — and offers excellent range. This year's model features about a 40-mile range, while last year's had about a 25-mile range. The combustion engine's EPA rating is 48 mpg.

The Prius Prime XSE only has front-wheel drive, but in every mode, it's very quick and smooth to drive. I prefer four-wheel drive for safety reasons because I live somewhere hilly that can become icy in the cold months.

The steering gives great feedback, so you know exactly where your tires are. The 19-inch wheels are slightly larger than average, making it a fun car to ride in.

If I were in the market for a new vehicle, I would absolutely buy a Prius Prime. It's a great price for great fuel efficiency, with comfortable seats for a 5'3" person. Many of its features come standard, but I might even spring for the XSE Premium model since the base price is so affordable.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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