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Marking 50 years of Cyprus memories

The air in Nicosia is thick with history and memory, the scars of past conflict visible in the divided cityscape. The city, the last divided capital in Europe, is the poignant setting for the installation Cyprus Memory, a collaborative effort between Italian artist Laura Mega and Cypriot artist Vassilis Vassiliades. The installation explores themes of memory, division and reconciliation, resonating deeply with the ongoing division of Cyprus.

At the heart of Cyprus Memory are sandbags, an evocative symbol of the island’s turbulent history. Sandbags, once barriers during the conflict, now serve as powerful metaphors for division and remembrance. “Sandbags are located at every military outpost along the Green Line in Cyprus. This line in Nicosia crosses and cuts the capital in two. Piled up forever and forgotten on a delicate line of confrontation, the sandbags face danger with indifference, defying every pernicious threat,” says Vassiliades.

These weathered bags, with sand leaking from their torn seams, symbolise the gradual erosion of memory and the normalisation of division. Vassiliades, born in Nicosia in 1972, has spent years reflecting on the impact of Cyprus’ division, and his artwork often delves into themes of memory and identity.

Vassilis Vassiliades. Photo: Nicholas Mann

Mega’s contribution to the installation involves embroidering the word REMEMBER onto these sandbags. “Embroidering on a symbolic object of barrier and division, such as the sandbag, is intended to be a kind act which, with stitches, aims to take care of and soothe a wound that is still painful today,” she explains. This act of embroidery transforms the sandbags from remnants of conflict into artifacts of commemoration, urging viewers to reflect on the past and the enduring impact of the Cyprus conflict. “The act of embroidering the word REMEMBER on the sandbags is a deeply emotional and symbolic process. It involves a sense of reflection and a connection to the past and not forgetting or losing one’s identity,” adds Mega.

Having studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and the University of the Image in Milan, Mega’s work often investigates emotional, social, and political issues. Her participation in the Larnaca Biennale 2023 underscores her connection to Cyprus.

The live performance part of the event sees the sandbags vacuum-packed, further accentuating the themes of preservation and memory. Each bag, filled with sand from both the north and south parts of the island, represents the collective memory and identity of Cypriots. “The vacuum-packed sandbags serve as a visual representation of past conflicts and divisions. Each bag of sand represents the body and skin of each Cypriot and the sand represents their lost memory that leaves a visible trace over time,” Vassiliades explains. The process of vacuum-packing symbolises an attempt to preserve these memories, highlighting their fragility and importance.

Artist Laura Mega

“Every work of art is autobiographical, meaning that the artist always starts from the experiences that constitute his life,” he adds. His deep understanding of the island’s history and the delicate balance of its ongoing division adds a layer of authenticity to the installation. “In trying to guide my colleagues through the various aspects of the Cyprus problem, I have seen the Turkish invasion, occupation, and division of Cyprus through the eyes of Laura Mega and curator Chiara Modìca Donà dalle Rose, and that for me is a great gain.”

The installation, which will be performed live on July 15, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion, aims to engage the audience in a profound reflection on memory and division. “The bags will be filled with sand. The act of losing sand represents the memory of a person who empties himself and dries out his passion in the service of a meaningless purpose,” says Mega. The performative act of vacuum-packing these sandbags is intended to be a powerful visual metaphor for the preservation of memory and the hope for reconciliation.

Curator dalle Rose emphasises the symbolic location of the installation, near the Green Line in Nicosia. “The location is absolutely not random, but an integral part of the performative work.” Studio Pentadaktylou 16, where the installation takes place, faces north towards the Pentadaktylos mountain, a constant reminder of the island’s division.

Cyprus Memory is more than an art installation; it is a poignant reminder of the past and a call for a more hopeful future. By transforming symbols of division into messages of remembrance, Mega and Vassiliades invite viewers to reflect on the enduring impact of conflict and the importance of preserving memory.

Cyprus Memory

Exhibition and performance art. Studio Pentadaktylou 16, Pentadaktylou 16, 1016 Nicosia. July 15 – 21. Opening: July 15 at 7 pm

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