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The “Occupation” of the Tourism Industry in Gilgit-Baltistan: An In-Depth Analysis

In the wake of public unrest over rising wheat prices in the Gilgit-Baltistan region, the government of Pakistan has introduced new measures to assert its influence in the area, potentially at the cost of the local population’s economic freedom. Following recommendations from the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC), the government has established a new government-owned […]

The post The “Occupation” of the Tourism Industry in Gilgit-Baltistan: An In-Depth Analysis appeared first on Khaama Press.

In the wake of public unrest over rising wheat prices in the Gilgit-Baltistan region, the government of Pakistan has introduced new measures to assert its influence in the area, potentially at the cost of the local population’s economic freedom. Following recommendations from the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC), the government has established a new government-owned company tasked with developing tourism in Pakistan. The aim is to transform Pakistan into a tourism-friendly destination with adequate service infrastructure in the short term, while fostering a sustainable tourism ecosystem in the medium to long term. This initiative claims to adopt an inclusive approach, involving all provinces as partners through government-to-government (G2G) agreements.

As part of this initiative, the new company has been allocated 120 tourism sites across various federating units, including Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan, and the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC). While the venture appears promising, it raises several concerns that need to be addressed.

Out of the allocated sites, 44 have been designated to Green Tourism Limited, a company established under the auspices of SIFC and closely allied with Pakistan’s military. These sites are being leased for 30 years, a move purportedly aimed at ensuring a sustainable tourism ecosystem and inclusiveness. However, the measures being implemented by Green Tourism Limited seem to contradict these objectives.

Since the announcement of the agreement between the G-B government and the military-backed Green Tourism Limited, there has been significant opposition from citizens, religious groups, and civil society organizations in the G-B region. The opposition stems from fears that leasing numerous tourist sites, including guest houses and motels, to the company will deprive locals of their economic participation in the tourism industry.

Although the military’s official role is described as providing necessary support to build confidence, there is ambiguity about the extent to which the military can expand its power and control. The plan is that once the tourism sites are functional and successfully operated by private investors, the military will step back and allow them to run the businesses. However, given the military’s historical involvement in Pakistan’s political and economic spheres, such promises are met with skepticism.

The presence of Green Tourism Limited in the G-B region is seen as problematic for several reasons:

  1. Local Disenfranchisement: The initiative deprives locals of their livelihood. The tourism industry in the region was already performing well, with private investments in place. Instead of establishing a new entity without local involvement and transparency, the government should have supported the local industry. Decisions about the fate of guest houses and other tourist facilities should be made in assemblies with local input.
  2. Attack on Local Autonomy: Local leaders have denounced the measure of acquiring tourist spots and public land as illegal and unconstitutional. Many forest properties are owned by the indigenous population. The locals fear losing control over their means of livelihood under what they perceive as the “occupation” of their resources and lands.
  3. Extractive and Unsustainable Practices: The allocations to Green Tourism Limited are seen as extractive and counterproductive to sustainability. For instance, leasing out the land of Deosai Plains to the company is controversial. The 1993 agreement on the Deosai National Park between the G-B Forest and Wildlife Departments and the residents of Das Khareem is being disregarded, with no consultation with the local population.

The role of tourism in boosting Gilgit-Baltistan’s economy, which suffers from a lack of education, infrastructure, and widespread poverty, is crucial. The government’s and military’s takeover of key tourism resources is viewed as anti-development and detrimental to employment generation in the region. Currently, social media is abuzz with protests against what is perceived as an occupation, and it is likely that these voices will grow into full-blown protests against disenfranchisement, extractive policies, and deprivation of economic opportunities for locals.

Khaama Press will continue to monitor and report on this developing situation, providing a platform for the voices of the Gilgit-Baltistan community.

The post The “Occupation” of the Tourism Industry in Gilgit-Baltistan: An In-Depth Analysis appeared first on Khaama Press.

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