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Amazon deal of the day: Score the noise-cancelling Echo Buds for a ridiculous 71% off pre-Prime Day

Amazon deals of the day at a glance:

Echo Buds with ANC (2nd gen)
$34.99 at Amazon (save $85 with Prime)


Yeti Tundra Haul portable wheeled cooler
$297.50 at Amazon (save $127.50 with Prime)

Blink Mini 2
$19.99 at Amazon (save $20 with Prime)

Dyson Airwrap Amazon exclusive bundle
$549.99 at Amazon (save $125 with Prime)

The countdown is on. We're merely hours away from Prime Day proper, but the deals are already hella impressive. There's really no point in waiting if you see something you want — we're seeing record-low prices on top brands like Apple, Dyson, and Amazon's own Echo and Blink devices. We've rounded up some of the best deals you can add to your cart on July 15 to help you out on your shopping excursion.

Here are our top picks for the best Amazon deals of the day. And if you want to keep tabs on all of the best deals this Prime Day, follow along with our shopping coverage.

Our top pick

Amazon Echo Buds with ANC (2nd gen)
$34.99 at Amazon
$119.99 Save $85.00
with Prime

While the first rendition of the noise-cancelling Echo Buds was kind of a dud, Amazon redeemed themselves with the second generation. "If you've been looking for a device-agnostic pair of wireless earbuds that will drown out the world around you, look no further," Alex Perry writes in his review. Originally released in 2021, these buds offer effective noise cancellation, solid sound quality, and a pretty comfortable design. The battery life isn't anything to write home about, but for budget earbuds with ANC, they're basically a no brainer — especially when you take the early Prime Day price drop into consideration. Snag a pair for a record-low $34.99 with Prime and save a whopping 71%.

With a 15% faster processor (compared to the M2), WiFi 6E, and support for up to two 5K, 60Hz external displays, the M3 MacBook Air is truly a beast of a laptop. We haven't had a chance to test the 13-inch model, but we did review its larger sibling and were blown away. Mashable reviewer Kimberly Gedeon writes that it "continues to blur the line of the Air and Pro models, providing ample “oomph” for creatives, professionals, and students who need robust performance that can handle their multifaceted workflows." The day before Prime Day, you can grab the base model M3 Air (with 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD) for a record-low $898.99. That's a savings of 18%.

Yeti Tundra Haul portable wheeled cooler
$297.50 at Amazon
$425.00 Save $127.50
with Prime

If you're looking for a cooler that's practically indestructible and can keep ice for days, the Yeti Tundra is the one to beat. And if you want to bring that legendary insulation and toughness on the go, you'll want the Tundra Haul — which is the first-ever Yeti on wheels. Don't worry; the wheels are a single-piece, puncture-resistant material, so you'll never have to worry about changing them or getting a flat. Prime members can score the ultimate Yeti cooler on sale ahead of Prime Day for just $297.50 — that's not only a rare 30% in savings, but a record-low price. The only catch is that the deal is limited to one colorway: cosmic lilac.

Blink Mini 2
$19.99 at Amazon
$39.99 Save $20.00
with Prime

Released earlier this year, the Blink Mini 2 offers better performance in low light settings, a wider field of view, a built-in LED Spotlight for night view in color, and just an overall enhanced image quality. Plus, with the purchase of the Blink weather resistant power adapter, it can now be used both indoors and outdoors. Ahead of the big day, you can get the Blink Mini 2 for only $19.99 with Prime. That's 50% in savings and its lowest price to date.

Dyson Airwrap
$549.99 at Amazon
$674.99 Save $125.00
Amazon exclusive bundle

An official early Prime Day deal, the Dyson Airwrap Amazon exclusive bundle is on sale for just $549.99. That's nearly a 20% price drop for Prime members looking to snag the versatile hair tool. In addition to the Airwrap itself, the bundle includes a storage case, travel case, detangling comb, filter cleaning brush, and six attachments: two long barrels, two smoothing brush attachments, Coanda smoothing dryer, and round volumizing brush. That's plenty to achieve tons of different hairstyles with a single tool. As for whether the discounted price is worth it, we'll leave it to personal preference. If luxury in your beauty routine is something you crave, we say go for it.

None of these deals catching your eye? Check out Amazon's daily deals for even more savings.

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