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Strictly star branded show a ‘cult’ and warned of major backstage issues three years before scandals

FORMER Strictly contestant, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, 45, described the BBC show as a ‘cult’ offering no duty of care, some three years before the latest scandal involved professional dancers, Giovanni Pernice and Graziano Di Prima.

The Murder on the Dancefloor singer, who competed in 2013, opened up about her time on the show, likening the experience to being part of a religious cult.

PA:Press Association
Sophie competed on Strictly in 2013 finishing in third place[/caption]
Sophie has described her time on the show as being intense and a big test of her marriage[/caption]

She said: “We were asked questions such as: ‘Is this the best thing you’ve ever done?’ ‘How incredible has your dance partner been?’ ‘What will you do to fill the hole after Strictly?’

“And I had the epiphany that, oh my God – it’s like a cult! Trigger words and the constant repetition of how much it must mean to you.”

The 45- year-old who has been married to her husband The Feeling bassist Richard Jones for nineteen years, says that even though their union is strong, the intensity of the show shook the foundations of their marriage.

Being partnered with former professional Brendan Cole, the mother- of-five said there were no marriage counselors on board to help contestants manage the delicate balance between their personal life and the glitzy world of Strictly.

Writing 2021 memoir Spinning Plates, Sophie who finished in forth place said:

“At Strictly Towers there was no one to help. There’s no emotional care at all – aside from the wisdom and make-up-chair counsel of the folk working backstage.” And the star added that the pro’s also need more protection.

She said: “For the dancers, too, they have to be choreographer, dancer and occasional psychiatrists. It starts off with you just being keen to show you can do the right heel or toe footwork for the chief judge, then your confidence in your ability to act or be sexy gets tested, and that is more emotionally challenging.’

In echoes from her book that resonate forward to the current crisis engulfing the show, Sophie had warned that the BBC should employ onset counsellors to support the contestants.

” I do think they should have a counsellor, just to check in with the contestants.”

And the singer added that her husband, Richard, who felt left out of the experience, also sought help to process his emotions.

She said: “Richard began seeing a counsellor after I’d been in the show a month or so, and it really helped. Perhaps I should have, too.”

Her words have come to light as the BBC is at the centre of a crisis involving their two former professional dancers, Giovanni Pernice and Graziano Di Prima amid allegations of bullying.

At the weekend it was announced that Graziano had been sacked by the BBC after it was revealed that two complaints had been made last year about his abusive training style towards Zara McDermnott his partner last year.

Yet insiders say no serious action was taken over the complaints raised last autumn, included allegations he hit, kicked and spat at Zara.

Graziano, 30, was fired after the claims against him emerged in the inquiry into fellow Italian pro Giovanni Pernice’s behaviour towards Amanda Abbington on the same series.

That probe began in May and Giovanni denies wrongdoing.

A source said last night: “This is a complete mess, and an unmitigated, utterly unprecedented disaster for the BBC.

Sophie with husband Richard Jones with whom she has five children[/caption]
Giovanni with last years partner Amanda Abbington who filed a complaint against him[/caption]
Dan Charity
Graziano di Prima with Zara McDermott who got him sacked with complaints about his training style[/caption]

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