New Delhi: Harbhajan Singh on Monday issued an apology after the former India spinner and his India Champions teammates posted a video on social media for allegedly mocking people with disabilities. The video, which was shot after India Champions defeated Pakistan Champions to win the World Championship of Legends, showed individuals like Harbhajan, Suresh Raina, Yuvraj Singh and others limping and holding their backs.
The video didn’t go well with the disability rights group as the National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled (NPRD) condemned the act as ‘totally disgraceful’. Reacting to that, Harbhajan posted a lengthy clarification on social media. “Just wanted to clear to our people who are complaining about our recent videos of Tauba Tauba on social media after winning the championship here in England. We didn’t want to hurt anyone’s sentiments. We respect every individual and community,” Harbhajan said.
“And this video was just to reflect to our bodies after playing continues cricket for 15 days. SORE bodies.. we r not trying to insult or offend anyone.. still if people think we hv done something wrong ..All I can say from my side. SORRY to everyone .. plz let’s stop this here and move forward. Stay happy and healthy. Love to all. Regards,” he further added.
— Harbhajan Turbanator (@harbhajan_singh) July 15, 2024
“No words are sufficient enough to condemn such behaviour specially when displayed by people considered national heroes. Such degrading actions only exposes their total insensitivity and boorishness,” the NPRD said. Earlier, National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People Executive Director, Arman Ali requested the BCCI to take action against the players in the video. “Disgusting to see India’s top cricketers mocking disability. Shameful and atrocious behaviour from those who are idolised by masses. Shame on them. I urge BCCI to take immediate note of this,” he said.