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Demetriou: Cyprus must take bold steps toward peace

House President Annita Demetriou on Monday urged that Greek Cypriots “dare to take the next step” in the Cyprus issue in a parliamentary speech to mark the July 1974 coup and invasion.

“Fifty years of occupation is already too much. We must realise that time is not working in our favour,” she said.

“At this critical juncture for the Cyprus issue, we cannot afford to hide behind procedures and obstacles. This is not the time to get trapped in the vicious circle of old partisanship.”

Demetriou said a means must be found “to speak in modern and simple language” to transparently address the concerns of the people, especially young men and women.

Otherwise, there would be more fertile ground for extremism and populism to flourish, she added.

She also said that the Greek Cypriot side should not “deny the truths no matter how painful they are”.

“The status quo has widened the distance and widened the lack of knowledge about each other, and this is growing with each passing day. […] Many people unfortunately seem to have surrendered to the position that the current situation cannot be changed,” Demetriou added.

She said it would not be easy to change but also not impossible as long as there was sincerity and clarity and a mutual respect between the two communities in Cyprus.

Division cannot be the future of this country and the people of Cyprus,” Demetriou said, adding that convergence and unity could be achieved outside the climate of confrontation and counter-complaints.

“And with each new step, he added, let the shadows of the past shrink instead of grow.”

In her speech, Demetriou paid tribute to all those who fell during the coup while defending democracy and those “who put up a heroic resistance to Attila” in an unequal battle.

Turkey, still to this day was still systematically creating new conditions on the ground and attempting to nullify the status quo in the buffer zone and unilaterally opening the ghost town of Varosha.

In an organised and methodical way, Ankara continues to question the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus when it comes to its EEZ and in other areas.

“And the obsession of the occupation leader with the rhetoric of the two states is the pinnacle of Turkish intransigence,” Demetriou said, adding that this demand was blocking the resumption of negotiations and was in direct contradiction with the agreed framework for talks brokered over the years by the UN.

Referring to the work of the UN Secretary-General’s envoy Maria Holguin over the past six months, Demetriou said that pending the UN official’s report to the UN leader “we must all show with determination and conviction that we are ready to contribute constructively to the removal of the current impasse and the resumption of negotiations”.

“The dangers lurking for our country and our people through the perpetuation of stagnation and prolonged stalemate must be fully realised and understood by all,” she added.

If the UNSG does call the sides for talks in September, as is currently being mooted, Demetriou said it would be “crucial” to officially record the “honest and positive attitude of our side”, regardless of which attitude Turkey ultimately chooses to follow.

“Otherwise, it is very likely that international players will approach the position that it is no longer possible to find a solution,” she warned.

“Therefore, we must leave no room for doubt as to our intentions and determination. We must show our readiness with initiatives, suggestions, proposals and counter-proposals,” she added.

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