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ABLECHILD: Was Alleged Assassin Receiving Mental Health “Treatment,” and on Psychiatric Drugs?

Guest post by Joe Hoft at JoeHoft.com – republished with permission.

Was Alleged Assassin Receiving Mental Health “Treatment,” and on Psychiatric Drugs?

Republished with permission from AbleChild

It’s early, but what the public knows so far is that several news reports suggest that Thomas Matthew Crooks may have been receiving mental health treatment. Is anyone surprised by this given that the last three mass shooters were under the care of mental health professionals?

Let’s look at a few examples of why it appears that suspected assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was a mental health patient. According to news reports Crooks had a mental meltdown on a college campus. The video allegedly depicts Crooks verbally abusing Trump supporters at a campaign table on a campus. Crooks further allegedly appears to be screaming vile remarks at the workers at the campaign table such as “slash his throat, every f*%kin Republican, slash Republicans throats.”

Furthermore, according to another news report Crooks was living with his grandparents before he was kicked out for using drugs. CNN reports that the alleged assassin’s father Matthew said, he was trying to figure out “what the hell is going on” but would “wait until I talk to law enforcement” before speaking about his son. Ironically, the suspected assassin’s father is an “expert” in the field of mental health working as a Care Manager at Community Care Behavioral Health in Bethel Park, PA., and also is the sole proprietor of a private counseling practice.

Community Care Behavioral Health is primarily financed through the Health Choices program, Pennsylvania’s Medicaid managed care program for behavioral health services. Its estimated revenue in 2022 is nearly $149 million. The suspected assassin’s father’s responsibilities as a care manager would include assessing patient needs, developing personalized care plans, and monitoring medication compliance, and treatment outcomes and his specialties included crisis intervention, identifying, and addressing potential health risks and crises. Yep, it’s clearly possible that dad, and the FBI, missed some vital signs as it concerned the suspected assassin. According to other unconfirmed news reports Thomas Crooks “came up in several intelligent reports lately.” ANTIFA, along with several other left-wing groups, are mentioned. Obviously, it is too early to know for sure what the truth is about Thomas Matthew Crooks, but everything about this would-be assassin must be released, including and especially his mental health and psychiatric drug history.

Too often, the FBI’s work on mass shootings has hindered, rather than helped, the public’s ability to understand the killers’ motives, to find out why the killer snapped. Unfortunately, official investigations become political, withholding personal documents that may provide insight into the shooters’ motives. School shooters Audrey Hale and Nikolas Cruz, and Lewiston, Maine killer Robert Card are perfect examples of officialdom’s efforts to withhold from the public mental health and psychiatric drug use. There are too many years of commissions and useless reports. Now, more than ever, the public has a right to know whether the suspected assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, is another in a long line of mental health failures that become mass killers.

Often there are many inconsistencies in the official investigations. For example, it’s well known the chain of custody is key, yet recall that the FBI failed on multiple occasions to protect chain of custody evidence in the San Bernardino shooting where the former disgraced FBI director, James Comey, allowed the press to walk through the crime scene and the Sandy Hook mass killing where the Chief Medical Examiner’s employee allowed her husband to view Lanza’s body.

There can be no screw ups in this investigation. We don’t need cover ups and conspiracies. We need to know what drove this alleged assassin to act and any efforts to withhold information will result in unnecessary distrust of federal law enforcement agencies. Just as important, withholding any mental health data, does nothing to address what really is behind so many of these violent attacks…failed mental health “treatments” and deadly prescribed mind-altering drugs.

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Every dollar you give is a powerful statement, a resounding declaration that the struggles of these families will no longer be ignored. Your generosity today will echo through generations, ensuring that the rights and well-being of children are fiercely guarded.Don’t let another family navigate this journey alone. Donate now and join us in creating a world where every child’s mind is nurtured, respected, and given the opportunity to thrive. As a 501(c)3 organization, your donation to AbleChild is not only an investment in the well-being of vulnerable children but also a tax-deductible contribution to a cause that transcends individual lives.

The post ABLECHILD: Was Alleged Assassin Receiving Mental Health “Treatment,” and on Psychiatric Drugs? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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