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Chat log from R18 of 2024: West Coast vs Brisbane

pcaman2003: Okay Zorko! Just need a score to beat Hutchinson. Shouldn’t be hard..
naicosfan: L neale C
Raspel31: Isn’t zorko a late out pcaman? Joking of course.
Wends: Rasp – just switched over to that heart failure inducing comment!
pcaman2003: Raspel. Too late Rasp as game started.Lol!
pcaman2003: Did you go Dunks C Wends?
Raspel31: Good luck to us Wends.
IamHoon: Is neale getting tagged?
Wends: My first week with Zorks Rasp, have been a hold out this long. And stuck w Caldwell pca, did the right if boring, thing
BRAZZERS: yes captain neal keep it up lad, I’ll give 2700 plus a good nudge
Pokerface: nice and low Dunks
pcaman2003: I took C off Zorko and gave it to Butters. Think I did okay.
bhg26: Does a west coast player want to stand in the general vicinity of neale
Wends: Hmm premonition pca?
pcaman2003: Wends. Butters good scoring consistently made up my mind.
naicosfan: hopefully not bhg
bhg26: Scintillating start zorks
DaMeatloaf: Get moving Dunkley
Raspel31: Was Dunks or Neale in this week- think I made wrong choice.
pcaman2003: That’s it Zorko,keep it up.
frenzy: any chance Lohmann
Kidult: Dunkley will top score
banta: wtf someone go near mccluggage. don’t understand how professional players can leave opponents to loose in games
Pokerface: did anyone hail mary tip eagles due to new coach bounce theory?
stuLhater: do something dunkley.
stuLhater: fingers crossed Kidult.
Wends: OK Zorks, didn’t bring you in for this smush
pcaman2003: You tell him Wends. He might listen to you
Wends: He damn well better pca
Pokerface: yeo averaging 10 tackles a game – wow!
BRAZZERS: seeya charlie!
naicosfan: neale wake up youve done nothing this quarter
DrSeuss: McKenna and Joyce – put them together and quadruple their ineffectiveness
clay007: Brought in Dorko this week, fair to say, slightly underwhelmed at this point.
original: Get back on clugga
Wends: Same clay, bleauch!
pcaman2003: So it’s all your fault Clay? Devil be gone!
clay007: Sorry lads. I only bought him cos all my opponents have him.
original: Ffs mclugg started on fire. Went off before Dunkley and he?s back on before you. Cmon man
Wends: Urge to kill fading, fading
bhg26: Rising! Fading
Swoop35: If daniher scores higher than 169 i lose
don key: go dunks and neale
Apachecats: Nearest the pin on Green goes to pcaman with a hole in one -91.Well done.
TheOnyas: Onya Nealey
original: Second half only: mclugg +9 vs Dunkley ooft gunna be close
Apachecats: If the previous winners could post the Tshirt pieces to pca maybe you can get someone to stitch them back together.
Pokerface: well done pca.. and apologies for the ripped shirt
Wends: fading….
Wends: Congrats pca
TimT14: Fire up Berry and McInerney
CamT: THe $18,000,000 man is losing currency atm.
original: Get Dunkley off for a concussion test
Pokerface: get Breville in there to stem the tide
Gotigres: Congratulations pcaman
bhg26: Zorko gonna to show up this quarter?
beerent11: Who?s that cam t?
beerent11: Let breville cook!
clay007: reid beer
frenzy: Lol beer
Wends: Lifty lifty time Zork. Love you long time.
beerent11: Oh yeah , we?re giving the kid shit in about his 14th game.
original: Neale shouldn?t be shooting here but he wants to pad his stats
CamT: Leigh Matthews said that Harley Reid was worth $1.8 million over ten years.
Wends: Lol beer. What’s yr fave Breville ccok up then?
original: And he dobbed it lol. Sure did show me
naicosfan: he will be the reason cripps dont get brownlow no. 2
original: Dunkley has 2 minutes on bench and back on. See that mclugg? Not a 9 min break ffs lift
MontyJnr: If you don’t own Neale & Dunkley, why are you playing?
Manowar: Don’t know? you tell us Professor
beerent11: Plenty of handy players in SuperCoach Monty jnr. Can?t have em all sport.
Troglodyte: If you don’t own Neale & Dunkley, its probably many many equally good players to choose from…
twinpeaks: MontyJnr only acceptable if you traded in Gulden and LDU instead
DaMeatloaf: Playing for the FF chat
naicosfan: exactly beer, neale and dunkley are sub 40% owned in top 1% off memory
bhg26: I?m on 2440 without them montyjnr so I?m alright
hinsch: If Reville doesn’t get a run do you get the E score
twinpeaks: Having said that, if I had one of them for any of Dawson, Walsh or Green, I would be a lot closer than ~350 in SC
beerent11: Great question twinpeaks.
naicosfan: no unfortunately hinsch
Pokerface: he’ll get a run Hinsch
beerent11: Sorry, great question hinsch
bhg26: Yeah would much prefer either over green twinpeaks
beerent11: My round was buggered anyway. Had to hold ranking this week to plug other holes.
Social: Hopefully Lachie puts his hand up to give Bruce a run
Waddos: 2400+ with 21 players I’m cooking
Wends: Agreed social… needs a rest
Pokerface: he’s already locked in 3 votes today Social, so seems fair enough
BRAZZERS: lol no he won’t its only 22pts. more likely morris or mckenna
CamT: Neale going for Brownlow #3 . He won’t be coming off without a fight.
Swoop35: 50 point qtr zorko please
Raspel31: Oh golly- just noticed Revile out- whoops. Cover for Heeney and Sexton- carn Dunks!
twinpeaks: CamT you can still get him for more than $10 some places for Charlie
Social: He’s the only live player left in my cash league, if he gets 65 this qtr I’m done
CamT: Thank, twin peaks. I just took reduced odds
CamT: I won $16,000 on him last season.
beerent11: Crippa is right there too
hinsch: Oscar Allen should have stayed injured
Pokerface: 22 points is very often the case between a win and a loss brazzers
BRAZZERS: agree beer, out of neale and crippa. syd players will take votes off each other
All Reds: GTFO hinsch
hexada: got on neale at 31 a few weeks ago
CamT: Crippa has mouthed off at the umps a few times in games that he should get 3 votes. Might cost him.
Social: oh final siren… ok
CamT: Well done Hexaada. I waited a week too long. I think he was $28.00 ten days ago.
Swoop35: Hinsch obviously wasnt here earlier
Pokerface: come on brisbane coach who cannot be named here.. get him on
nbartos: Daicos for mine
beerent11: Long way to go for Chas
nbartos: have him on 24, cripps 22, bont 21, neale 18
nbartos: personal spreadsheet tracker LOL
beerent11: Gotta hand it to the wc supporters. They keep filling that stadium
original: Beerent you been to Perth? Nothing else to do
hinsch: WCE supporters have settled for less than average five years ago
beerent11: Afl Brownlow predictor picks it nearly every year
Wends: Breville time Fagan
beerent11: I?m aware. I live in wa. Not Perth though.
beerent11: Get the toasties in!
Pokerface: you tried to say Voldemort’s name Wends.. no no no
original: Harris Andrew?s gunna be an auto AA tho
original: Cos he always is lol great defender but not AA this year. Tom Stewart either
DrSeuss: #freekickwestcoast
Cascadian: Guy in my league needs Yeo to score 110 to win his match. Better for me if he loses
xodeus9: need huchinson 37 or lower, sweating bullets
Wends: poker he who must not be named
beerent11: Unusually chill chat for a Sunday arvo on ff.
Pokerface: alright lets go Snoop Dog
BRAZZERS: brain damage
Wends: True beer, it’s usually witching hour this time of the weekend lol
Pokerface: were you on during the early game beerent?
Raspel31: Productive quarter Dunks?
frenzy: yep mcluggage done sweet fanny adams this qtr
Wends: Zorks clda shlda didn’t pay $100k less for this crappiness from Moore
pcaman2003: WC are really missing the Gov in the back line today.
DaMeatloaf: Missed the GC game chat beer lol
J_Herer: Get a kick Zorko you potato!!!
Silz90: How is that not 50 against joey
Cascadian: Is 2300 alright for this round?
Raspel31: Well, you don’t have much choice Cascadian.
beerent11: Lions give a crap side a sniff yet again.
Pokerface: Lohman x factor.. he’s been great
Wends: Willy Loman going OK
Raspel31: Go England v Spain- sorry lads, couldn’t resist.
beerent11: I imagine Rowell was a popular subject meatloaf
Pokerface: ooh thanks for remindr Raspel need to update my fantasy team with spanish
beerent11: Good effort wc.
Wends: Good luck tomorrow AM rasp… off to bed early or alnighter?
Raspel31: Bed early Wends.
pcaman2003: WC didn’t give up and did well to get this close. Good game!
JezEdwards: Thank you Captain Neale!
beerent11: The first afl coach with a sleeve tatt? Interim or not?
naicosfan: thank you c neale

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