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Over 2,000 Patients at Portland Hospitals May Have Been Exposed to HIV and Other Infections

More than 2,000 patients at several Portland, Oregon hospitals may have been exposed to HIV and other infections.

The Oregon Health Authority and Providence and Legacy health systems announced the possible contamination on Thursday.

The organizations said a physician may have violated hospital protocols at several area hospitals, including Providence Portland Medical Center, Legacy Mt. Hood Medical Center in Gresham, and Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center in Oregon City.

Providence said that in addition to HIV, there is a chance that patients were exposed to hepatitis B and C.

The Hill reports:

In the announcement, a spokesperson for Providence said the hospital recently learned that a physician, who has not been publicly identified, may not have followed Providence’s infection control practices during some procedures at Portland-area hospitals including Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center, Providence Portland Medical Center, and other non-Providence hospitals.

Providence did not detail which protocols might not have been followed, but said the physician put patients at low risk of exposure to infections including hepatitis B and C, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

The physician was employed by the Oregon Anesthesiology Group (OAG), which no longer provides services for Providence, the hospital system spokesperson said, noting the physician no longer works for OAG either.

Approximately 2,200 patients have been alerted to the possible exposure by mail or MyChart notifications.

“Out of an abundance of caution, we are encouraging these patients to get a blood test to screen for the aforementioned infections, at no cost. If a patient tests positive, Providence will reach out to discuss their test results and next steps,” Providence said in the statement. “Patient safety is our number one priority, and our patients have our full commitment to a thorough review of this issue and appropriate action.”

The Oregon Health Authority added that there are no reported infections.

“Oregon Health Authority acknowledges the worry, pain and loss suffered by anyone affected by a health care-associated infection (HAI) — an infection acquired while they are receiving care in a hospital or other health facility. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one in 31 hospital patients in the U.S. has at least one HAI on any given day. HAIs can have devastating impacts for patients as they can increase the length of stay, delay recovery from illness, cause emotional stress, and can lead to sepsis or even death. OHA’s response to HAIs can involve different divisions with separate consultative and regulatory functions,” OHA said in their statement.

The statement continued, “While news of this infection control breach at Legacy Mt. Hood Medical Center and Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center may be distressing for some people, it’s important to know that Oregon’s health care providers employ highly qualified and skilled infection preventionists and laboratory staff who lead the charge to prevent HAIs. In addition, local, state and federal public health agencies work closely with healthcare settings to implement effective infection control practices and equip health care providers with the tools that keep patients, visitors and the public safe.”

The post Over 2,000 Patients at Portland Hospitals May Have Been Exposed to HIV and Other Infections appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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