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Michael Mosley’s widow: His legacy has real value to improving people’s health

Michael Mosley’s widow has said she is “so proud” of the TV doctor’s legacy which she feels will bring “real value to improving people’s health”.

Dr Clare Bailey Mosley spoke to Radio 4’s Today Programme about his life and the messages of support she has received in her first broadcast interview since her husband died of natural causes last month aged 67 after he went missing on the Greek island of Symi.

Her chat comes as part of the BBC’s Just One Thing Day on Friday when the broadcaster will honour Mosley’s career across various TV and radio shows.

Named after his popular BBC Radio 4 podcast where he revealed tips to help improve your wellbeing, the day will encourage presenters and the audience to take up one new healthy habit by introducing easy routines or simple swaps into their daily life.

Speaking to the Today Programme, Dr Bailey Mosley said the outpouring of love for her husband has been “extraordinary and overwhelming”.

“The response, people really love him you know… I’ve got a list of lovely quotes that people say, which are just so touching, and so caring”, she added.

“One of the main things was that people felt they really knew him, that they lived in his kitchen and knew what he was cooking.

“It was very sort of trusting and kind of weirdly intimate.

“It’s just been so uplifting, and I’m so grateful for that. And it’s just so incredible that he has made such a difference to people. I’m so proud of what he’s done.”

Mosley is credited with popularising the 5:2 diet, a form of intermittent fasting, through his book The Fast Diet, and he often pushed his body to extreme lengths during his research into health and wellbeing.

He first trained as a doctor in London before moving into the world of media, becoming a presenter, documentary maker, author and columnist.

During his career he presented a host of science programmes and films including the BBC series Trust Me, I’m A Doctor, which looked at healthcare in Britain, and hosted BBC Radio 4 podcast Just One Thing.

Dr Bailey Mosley, who is a GP and health columnist, described his legacy as “extraordinary” and said they plan to honour his work going forward.

“I have a sense that his legacy has real value to improving people’s health,” she added.

“And nutrition is not taught consistently at medical school still and so there are so many gaps there that can be improved across the board, in terms of using the latest evidence and helping make it much easier for people to live a healthier life.”

Reflecting on his personality, she said he was a “really genuinely kind person” who was “very unassuming”, which she feels is one of the reasons he drew in people.

The couple worked together on many projects over the years including writing a book and several cookbooks – as well as hosting a run of theatre show tours recently.

Discussing their relationship, Dr Bailey Mosley said: “We did everything together, we’ve been married for nearly 40 years.

“He was always interested in the work that I did in general practice, and in early days, I was working very closely with helping people reverse their diabetes by changing their diet, and we worked on lots of different sort of projects together.

“And that was a real privilege that he included me in what he was doing and just made it fun.”

BBC Radio 4 will be leading the charge on the Just One Thing Day, kicking off on the Today show, which will also welcome those who have changed their lives as a result of Mosley’s tips.

Later on Woman’s Hour, host Anita Rani will reflect on the impact the TV doctor has had on her life with a focus on the benefits of exercise.

The Food Programme will showcase past Just One Thing topics ranging from eating oily fish to the benefits of turmeric, while Front Row will celebrate how listening to music or playing an instrument can bring a sense of calm.

Elsewhere across the BBC, Radio 2’s Tina Daheley and 6 Music’s Craig Charles will both get involved with one thing to improve their own wellbeing and BBC Radio 1 will also mark the day.

TV shows Morning Live and The One Show, where Mosley was a regular contributor, will join in celebrating his legacy.

Just One Thing Day is taking place across the BBC on July 12th.

Sourse: breakingnews.ie

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