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Власти Москвы открыли дорогу-связку между МСД и Симферопольским шоссе

Массовая драка у Дома Культуры произошла в краснодарском поселке Афипский из-за девушки

Пермского предпринимателя обвинили в организации финансовой пирамиды

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Review: ‘Dear San Francisco’ is a thrill ride — and a lot more

The unforgettable “Dear San Francisco” has been holding court at Club Fugazi in San Francisco for almost three years now. The acrobatic extravaganza, a marriage of audacious physicality and piercing poetry, has proved a worthy successor to the venerable “Beach Blanket Babylon,” which ran for an unprecedented 45 years.

Like the homage to millinery that was “Babylon,” this is a thoroughly visceral and immersive experience that attracts the special-occasion crowd, from birthdays to anniversaries. It’s perfectly crafted to mark celebrations, encouraging the viewer to raise your glass as well as your eyebrows.

In fact, the first time you see the 90-minute feat of physicality, you may be so gobsmacked by the sheer athleticism that you don’t fully appreciate the depth of storytelling here. The second time around, the thematic richness, both historical and existential, hits harder amid the pageantry.

The show’s creators, Shana Carroll and Gypsy Snider — both Cirque du Soleil alums and currently artistic directors of the contemporary circus troupe 7 Fingers — have deep roots in the Bay Area. Carroll is the daughter of beloved Chronicle columnist Jon Carroll. Snider’s family founded the Pickle Family Circus. Their deep and abiding love for the City by the Bay is a welcome antidote to the prevailing doom loop narrative.

There are also new acts to relish as well as new delectables to savor. In keeping with the spirit of the piece, they are now showcasing food pairings from a rotating roster of local eateries. On a recent visit, you could sample a BBQ-inspired repaste including the black truffle Caesar salad strewn with garlic streusel and the savory cornbread drizzled with Thai red curry butter from Michael Mina and Ayesha Curry’s International Smoke. You better get there early if you want to taste the Pork Belly Bao buns because they sell out fast. This reviewer missed out.

To be honest though, this heart-pounding show demands so much of your attention that you may just forget to eat. Just when you think you can tuck into your greens, a tumbler rolls down the aisle inches from you, getting your adrenaline pumping. The aerial acrobats are so close you can see their muscles flex, their sweat drip. It’s a little like watching “Cirque du Soleil” from center stage. There’s nary a moment when your senses aren’t on overdrive.

Enmeng Song may sling a diabolo, a giant Chinese yo-yo, so hard it ricochets right above your head, or Shengnan Pan may make you hold your breath as she daintily balances three pink parasols on the tips of her toes. Dominic Cruz may dive through a hoop as if gravity doesn’t apply to him.

The piece is always evolving as performers come and go over time yet the ensemble retains a palpable sense of camaraderie. They have each other’s backs at all times but especially to ensure that none of the performers smash into the front row. Here and there you may be asked about the speed of your reflexes, just in case it’s time to duck.

Beyond the sheer kinetic magic, there is also a memorable narrative, from Beat poetry straight out of City Lights lore to quirky comic confessionals.

Maya Kesselman’s woke riff on how hard it is to find a type of milk you can drink if you believe in animal rights, worry about the arsenic in rice and also can’t abide by the water usage to grow almonds remains a doozy.

There’s also a lovely homage to “The Maltese Falcon” revolving around a gumshoe, a femme fatale and the eternal romance of film noir.

As ever, the running theme here is the glory of San Francisco, its hills, history and eccentricity, from the flower children to the techies, a never ending cycle of busts and booms, as one generation after another waltzes through the fog while they change the tenor of the times forever.

Contact Karen D’Souza at karenpdsouza@yahoo.com.


Created and directed by Shana Carroll and Gypsy Snider

When: Performances are Wednesdays through Sundays; open-ended run

Where: Club Fugazi, 678 Green St., San Francisco

Running time: 90 minutes, no intermission

Details: $79; 415-273-0600, www.clubfugazisf.com

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