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Texas news station removes press release praising Trump's ‘secretary of retribution’

A local news station in Texas has removed a press release lauding retired Army Lt. Col. Ivan Raiklin, who is circulating a list targeting members of Congress and other perceived enemies of Donald Trump, following an inquiry from Raw Story.

The press release distributed through EIN Presswire, dated June 27, 2024, announced that Raiklin, who bills himself as Trump’s "future secretary of retribution," will serve on the board of directors for America’s Future, a nonprofit led by retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who briefly served as Trump’s national security adviser in 2017.

As of Wednesday, a Google News search for “Ivan Raiklin” yielded the press release posted on the website of KXAN News, an NBC affiliate in Austin, Texas, as the “top story.”

But on Thursday morning, following an inquiry by Raw Story, the press release had been removed from the station’s website with the link to the page reading, “We’re sorry! The page you are looking for can’t be found.”

Rachel Steading, the business administrator at KXAN-TV, and Haley Cihock, the news director at KXAN News, did not respond to a request from Raw Story to comment on the removal of the press release.

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The press release praises Raiklin for his “fearless and candid reporting” and “honest commentary on the most controversial topics of our time.” As Raw Story recently reported, Raiklin is circulating what he calls a “Deep State target list,” while calling for “live-streamed swatting raids.”

Based on fanciful legal theories and outlandish factual claims, Raiklin claims that the 350 people on his list should be charged with treason. The list includes members of Congress; federal and state employees; journalists; witnesses who testified during Trump’s two impeachment trials and the House Select January 6 Committee hearings; public health officials involved in the effort to combat COVID-19; and others perceived as adversaries of Trump.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) called Raw Story’s coverage of Raiklin’s efforts “a deadly serious report,” adding that “his hit list is a vigilante death warrant for hundreds of Americans and a clear and present danger to the survival of American democracy and freedom.”

The America’s Future press release states that Raiklin’s “skilled approach to investigations” has “earned him the respect of various congressional and state legislative committees, for which he is an advisor.”

In February 2023, Raiklin testified before a joint Arizona House and Senate election committee.

Since Republicans regained control of the U.S. House in 2023, Raiklin has sat in the audience for numerous hearings, although to date he has not been called to testify. Aides to Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) and Rep. James Comer (R-KY) told Raw Story they were familiar with Raiklin.

Raiklin has said he talks to Loudermilk's staff "regularly." Loudermilk’s aide has not responded to multiple requests from Raw Story to clarify whether the congressman has spoken to Raiklin.

Raiklin has praised Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL), saying she “has exhibited the maximum courage that her position allows.”

Luna’s office has not responded to repeated requests for comment.

Raiklin has said he gave his list to Loudermilk; Comer; Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH); Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA); and the House Freedom Caucus, chaired by Rep. Bob Good [sp] (R-VA).

Comer’s aide told Raw Story in May that the Kentucky congressman did not have a copy of the list. Other Republican lawmakers cited by Raiklin did not respond to repeated requests for comment from Raw Story.

Joe Flynn, Michael Flynn’s brother, told the New York Times in February 2022 that the family does “not have any association with Ivan Raiklin.”

That is not the case now.

The press release issued by America’s Future in June quoted Michael Flynn as saying: “Ivan is among America’s most courageous patriots. He will never back down or quit the fight to save our nation from the tyranny at our doorstep. America’s Future is proud to have Ivan on our team.”

NOW READ: Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested

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