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Eleven Short Story Collections That Will Get You Back Into Reading

Are you trying to get back into reading? Looking for something easy to dip into during your lunch breaks, or in between dips in the pool while on vacation? What could be better than a book where each and every ‘chapter’ gives you something new—new ideas, new casts of characters… even new worlds to explore.

Short stories get a bad rap. People seem to see them as inaccessible or “literary” in a way that bars entry for casual readers. But in reality, there are hundreds of short story collections that are accessible, exciting and fun. They’re perfect for casual readers, particularly ones who get bored easily. And if you’ve been looking to get into short stories, these must-read collections are a great place to start.

We’ve gathered eleven of the best short story collections. Some are contemporary fiction, some are science fiction/fantasy and some are a tantalizing mix of the two. You might recognize a few of the authors from recent bestseller lists, but others will likely be brand new to you. We recommend that this month, you give short stories a chance—especially if the idea of tackling your summer reading list has felt more than a little daunting.

How Long ‘til Black Future Month? by N.K. Jemisin

Jemisin is the current reigning monarch of SFF, and this short story collection is a testament to why. Read about a man trying to defend post-Katrina New Orleans against hateful spirits; about a Black girl who refuses to underachieve even though getting valedictorian might have serious consequences; about a chef fallen from grace who finally stumbles on a challenge worth her while when a mysterious benefactor starts bringing her otherworldly ingredients to experiment with.

When the Hibiscus Falls by M. Evelina Galang

M. Evelina Galang.">

For fans of contemporary fiction, this collection brings together tales of Filipino people and Filipino Americans coming home, escaping, beginning again and much more. A girl deals with the death of her sister; a woman goes searching for a cousin who went missing during the COVID-19 pandemic; a young girl tries to shield her grandmother from the rise of anti-Asian American sentiment. These stories of heritage, family and inheritance are quick, interesting and satisfying.

Take the Mic: Fictional Stories of Everyday Resistance edited by Bethany C. Morrow

What does resistance look like to you? A young Indigenous girl stands up for herself; young Muslim kids deal with bad-faith questions; a young Jewish girl decides she won’t let the anti-Semitic trolls online win. Some of the greatest YA authors of our generation are featured in this great collection—from Darcie Little Badger (Elatsoe) to Jason Reynolds (All American Boys)—that’s intensely readable.

The Rock Eaters: Stories by Brenda Peynado

Brenda Peynado.">

In her debut collection, Dominican-American author Peynado tells surreal tales inspired by the determination of young people to survive in a disconcerting, disconnected world. In “Thoughts and Prayers,” a young girl and best friend Rima try to recover from a school shooting as the adults around them seem to focus on all the wrong things; in “The Dreamers,” teens try to find their place in an insomniac dystopia where if you fall asleep, you might never wake up.

Tomorrow’s Parties: Life in the Anthropocene by Jonathan Strahan

Jonathan Strahan.">

Our future is likely to be preoccupied by climate disaster. But what will that actually look like, and how will we find ways to keep going? Ten science fiction and fantasy authors explore our possible futures. Malka Older writes about surveillance being turned into a force for good; Tade Thompson explores the possibility of a utopia built on a floating island of plastics. These stories are interesting, thought-provoking and hopeful.

The Shell Collector by Anthony Doerr

From Anthony Doerr (author of All the Light We Cannot See) comes this collection rooted in wintry ice and nature: vivid, surreal tales that mix magic into our daily world. A blind scientist and his guide gather seashells and research snails on the coast of Kenya; a refugee becomes a caretaker for a remote house but grows obsessed with a whale that’s dying on the beach below. These stories are emotional, rich and compellingly strange.

The Refrigerator Monologues by Catherynne M. Valente

Catherynne M. Valente.">

It’s an all-too-common trope in comics: a woman’s life or plotline is “refrigerated” to progress the storyline of the superhero. We’ve all read these stories, but only now do we get them from the perspective of the women involved. Valente plays with familiar characters—Gwen Stacey, Harley Quinn—but writes original stories with fantastical twists and infuriating betrayals. Taken together, it’s a feminist retelling force.

Sabrina & Corina: Stories by Kali Fajardo-Anstine

Kali Fajardo-Anstine.">

In this contemporary collection, women face daily violence, family issues, addiction struggles and much more. In “Tomi,” a woman is trying to re-enter society after being in prison and wants to redeem herself and meet her nephew in a city she no longer fully recognizes. In “Galapago,” Pearla’s granddaughter is trying to get her to move out of her house, but all Pearla can do is reminisce about the many robberies over the years.

Toil & Trouble: 15 Tales of Women & Witchcraft edited by Jessica Spotswood and Tess Sharpe

This one is a young adult anthology of fifteen great, witchy tales. A queer teen girl who loves social media escapes into the stars; a young Black healer learns how to depend on herself; a girl who can cure love-sickness wonders if that means she doesn’t deserve communion. Female collaboration, friendship, strength and anger rush through these stories by authors like Zoraida Cordova and Brandy Colbert.

Friday Black by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah

Adjei-Brenyah (author of Chain-Gang All-Stars) uses absurdity and exaggeration to expose the real struggles that Black people face in our world today, from dehumanization to injustice. In “The Finklestein 5,” a man is on trial because he brutally killed five ‘threatening’ children with a chainsaw; in “Zimmer Land,” people sign up for an augmented reality experience where they can confront and shoot a Black man. The stories are shocking in all the right ways.

Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado

This collection by the author of the genre-defying memoir In the Dream House is surreal, dark, exciting and queer. Remember the trippy urban legend of the lady with the green ribbon around her neck? She retells it in a murky tale called “The Husband Stitch.” A woman remembers all the lovers she’s had while a plague spreads all around her. Women start fading abruptly away in “Real Women Have Bodies.” Machado’s stories are perfect for fans of gothic novels and horror-tinged tales.

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Собянин: В ведущих онкологических клиниках города появилось семь новых роботических систем для проведения операций