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Don't be fooled by Biden bro Clooney and his Hollywood pals. They expected to keep the cover up going

As the walls close in, not just on Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, but his presidency itself, he must have felt fairly certain that he would at least hold on to that long bastion of Democratic support, namely Hollywood celebrities.

But it was with cold calculation that George Clooney, poster child of the lefty Los Angeles smart set, threw the president straight under the bus, before backing up a few times in his brutal New York Times column calling for Biden to withdraw from the race.

Let us be very clear about one thing here, this is not some heroic move from Clooney, or other A listers like Mia Farrow and Rob Reiner, who are suddenly turning their backs on Scranton Joe, far from it.


In his piece, Clooney tells us that he saw the incapacitated version of the president of the United States with his own two eyes at a big money fundraiser in L.A. just weeks ago. Did the former supporting actor from "Roseanne" think to tell anybody at the time?

Of course, not. It never occurred to Clooney that he should tell the average American that there are animatronics at Chuck E. Cheese more lifelike than the leader of their nation, that information was just supposed to be for special people.

As long as it remained a secret, then Clooney and his Tinseltown buddies, and Barack Obama and all the powers that be could just let Sleepy Joe lie, let him be the figurehead that he has likely been for three years now.

But that all changed when Joe Biden bombed like "Batman & Robin" in 1997 and suddenly everyone on earth knew instantly that the president was utterly unfit for office.


At that point, Clooney and left-learners everywhere realized that the cadaver-in-chief was likely to lose by boffo numbers if allowed to retain top billing on the ticket. Something had to be done.

So, Clooney did what any normal person would do in this situation, he called the New York Times and asked to write an opinion piece about all this, and the Gray Lady gave the greenlight.

What’s damning here is not that longtime Democrat and Biden bro Clooney was turning his back on the president, but rather that he was providing eyewitness testimony to the steep cognitive decline we are all seeing.

And surely, he won’t be the last to do so. How many others at just that fundraiser alone saw the version of Joe Biden that the White House and his campaign have tried so hard to hide? 

The real message here, from Clooney, and the New York Times, and whoever else is pulling the strings in this whole debacle, is that this isn’t going to stop, more shoes will drop every day until Biden faces reality and does the right thing.


Right now, Joe Biden can drop out above the objection of many of his party, he can selflessly proclaim that the welfare of the country is bigger than any one man and maintain a modicum of dignity, but that window is closing.

With every revelation such as Clooney's, Biden's opportunity to step aside on his own terms diminishes, and on some level, in his more cogent moments, he must know his legacy is at stake.

In the meantime, shame on George Clooney and all the wealthy and famous Biden enablers who have been hiding this truth from the American people for God knows how long.

Maybe they can do one of those cringy and ridiculous viral montage videos urging Biden to leave the race, "We love you Joe, but it's time to go." "Time to go, Joe." "Time to go."

As this scandal widens like a mushroom cloud, it isn’t just the significance of the lies that is alarming, but how many people knew about it and said nothing, how many people understood that the president is unfit for office and just shrugged.

Make no mistake, George Clooney, the White House officials, the journalists, they all would have happily kept up the farce of a competent Joe Biden for five more years had the cracks not accidentally been shown. And that is something we should never, ever forget.


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