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Новости от TheMoneytizer

Nearly half of Brits are fed up with being an adult – and are drained by everyday responsibilities

Nearly half of Brits claim they are simply fed up with being an adult – and are drained by everyday responsibilities like earning a wage, paying bills and household chores.

A study of 2,000 adults revealed 45% are struggling with the obligations that come with being a ‘grown up’, including cooking dinner (25%), trying to save money (31%) and maintaining a tidy home (35%).

Joe Pepler/PinPep
AJ Odudu introduces the coolest collab of the summer[/caption]
Joe Pepler/PinPep
Malibu and Oatly are redefining the taste of summer with the Piña Oatlada dairy-free ice cream[/caption]

While meeting work deadlines (15%), trying to keep fit (18%) and getting up at the crack of dawn for work or their children (15%) also featured in the top 20 list.

Nearly a quarter (23%) are worn down by ‘endless political drama’, and 23% are growing weary of the unpredictable British weather.

The study was commissioned by Malibu and Oatly to launch Paradise Arches; an exclusive clubhouse in London’s Shoreditch district, as 53% wish they had more time to escape from these adult responsibilities.

And 23% love the idea of a ‘one hour vacay’ which would have complete freedom from their duties.

Others try to switch off from their adult obligations by watching live music (28%), going out to socialise (20%) and sipping on a cocktail (17%).

Craig van Niekerk from Malibu said: “Adulting can be draining and there’s no manual or guide of how to get through it.

“Our study has shown how the most basic tasks are the ones we crave to escape from the most, and it seems like we’re all in serious need of bringing out the spirit of summer and enabling good times.

“Just an hour away from responsibilities can help you to unplug and enjoy the summer, which is why we’ve made the perfect place to escape to.”

Advice to ‘switch off’

Brand ambassador for the collaboration, AJ Odudu, said: “It can be so hard to switch off when you’ve got so many responsibilities, but I think we all deserve the opportunity to take a break and enjoy the longer days and, hopefully, sunny weather.

“I also find it’s easier to unwind when I can take a complete step away from reality, even if just for an hour.”

The study also found 43% reckon adulting is harder now than it was 10 years’ ago.

And 20% feel they have to ‘power through’ each day, rarely taking time for themselves or a moment’s peace.

It revealed 12% don’t feel they get any time each week to switch off completely, while those who do feel they only get six hours 20 minutes each week.

But of the 67% who feel they need more time to fully unwind, they’d like seven hours and 25 minutes each week to do so.

Struggling to unwind

The research, conducted via OnePoll, also found that even when on holiday, 19% still struggle to switch off completely.

As a result, 26% would love an evening of indulgence all to themselves, with 25% claiming there’s so much pressure to been seen as ‘successful’ and having your life together.

Although 24% claimed that despite being an adult, they often don’t feel like one.

And 16% are always on the lookout for quick ways to unplug and escape their grown-up obligations.

Martin Ringqvist, from Oatly, which has teamed with Malibu to create the ‘Piña Oatlada’ – an alcoholic, piña colada-flavoured dairy-free soft serve ice cream, said: “Being an adult comes with many challenges, and you’d think that the older you’d get the easier it gets as you become more experienced.

“But it just seems like the responsibilities grow and you face new challenges which throw a curveball – like trying to get a soft serve campaign approved by two sets of lawyers – so taking time to switch off is so important.

“We’re always searching for new and unexpected ways for people to experience our brand and this is a perfect partner to launch our glorious oats into the nightlife scene. Just be sure to lick responsibly.”

Top 20 'adulting' things brits are fed up with:

1.            Paying bills
2.            Keeping my home clean
3.            Trying to save money
4.            Cooking dinner
5.            Keeping on top of dirty laundry
6.            Meal planning
7.            Endless political drama
8.            Unpredictable British weather
9.            Trying to eat well
10.          Doing the food shop
11.          Public transport running late
12.          Trying to exercise/keep fit
13.          Working a 9 to 5 job without lengthy summer holidays
14.          Getting up at the crack of dawn for work or kids
15.          Commuting to and from work in the crowded rush hours
16.          Work deadlines
17.          Taking my work worries home with me
18.          Getting a car booked in for a service
19.          Trying to stay awake past 9pm when socialising
20.          Making packed lunches for work

Joe Pepler/PinPep
‘Being an adult comes with many challenges’[/caption]

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