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Новости сегодня

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‘I’m truly converted’ as Aldi’s wine expert declares a chilled red THE new summer drink, we test 5 cheap favourites

AFTER Aldi’s wine expert declared chilled reds the new go-to vino for summer, we decided to put them to the test.

With the weather a little cooler, maybe wine expert Sam Caporn is on to something, as we haven’t been popping the rose corks as much this summer.

Will you be clinking a glass of chilled red with friends this summer?
Getty Images

Sam says: “Red wine is usually drink at room temperature, however in warm weather, all styles of red come alive when chilled – even riper, richer wines.”

“Chilling it helps bring the alcohol and acidity back into balance, meaning pinot noir, merlot and cabernet franc can all be enjoyed in summer – something our European neighbours have long embraced.”

How long should you chill it for? “Treat it like a white or rose wine and leave in the fridge or pop in an ice bucket, removing from the fridge 20 minutes before serving,” recommends Sam.

But what did Team Fabulous think and will we be trading our sauv-blanc this summer?

Did this £4.79 bottle win Alan over?
Lidl, Fabulous

Picture Director Alan Gittos tested Lidl Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, £4.79 – BUY NOW

I’ve always been a fan of medium-bodied Italian reds, but chilling a Montepulciano D’Abruzzio is uncharted territory for me.

Pleasantly fruity with hints of cherry and a little spice, I was surprised at how (dangerously) drinkable this was. 

Despite my doubts about the temperature, I found that light chilling made it quite refreshing for a summer evening. 

My one tip would be don’t over chill, or you might kill the flavour.

Claire found a cracking red from Switzerland that’s perfect for chilling
Co-op, Fabulous

Assistant Editor Claire Frost tested Co-op Irresistible La Courbe, £9 – BUY NOW

I love a large glass of red on a wintry evening, but when the sun comes out, I gravitate towards white and rose wines, as they just feel more summery. 

So I was super-keen to give the chilled red trend a try to see if drinking it from the fridge would convert me. 

This Co-op wine is made in the Valais region of Switzerland, and while you might not think of the Swiss as master winemakers, a third of the country’s wine comes from this corner of the Alps, so it’s definitely not to be sniffed at.

Packed with berry and cherry, as well as a hint of pepper, I loved the familiar flavours of the wine, but drinking it cool added a refreshing tang that had me going back for more.  

It seems I’m truly converted – this is one red I’ll be drinking all year round!

Kirsty isn’t a huge fan, but knows someone who would be
Wines of Germany, Fabulous

Food Editor Kirsty Spence tested Von Reben Pinot Noir Pfalz 2021, £13.99 – BUY NOW

I’ve usually ditched red wine by this point in the year, as I find it a bit heavy in the heat – but, saying that, I’ll happily order a jug of sangria, so a chilled red should be right up my street.

I’m told this lighter German red is perfect for chilling, as it really accentuates the bright fruits – in this case, raspberry, cherry and blackberry.

That it did – but maybe a touch too much for my liking, and unless I’m on my hols in Spain, I’ll be sticking to a cool glass of rose.

However, my other half only drinks red wine, so this would be absolutely perfect for him in the warmer weather when he wants something other than a beer.

Anna is a chilled red convert!
Supplied, Fabulous

Writer Anna Clarke tested Quinta Do Crasto Douro Red, £15.95 – BUY NOW

When you think of a classic summer drink, you don’t tend to think of red wine, but this chilled version actually hits the spot – which is saying a lot considering I’m usually a rose drinker!

After a few hours in my fridge, it tasted a lot lighter than most typical reds, and its smooth fruitiness didn’t threaten to overwhelm the palate.

With hints of ripe cherries and plums packed in there and no tangy after-taste, I’ll definitely be grabbing a bottle to bring along to the next back-garden BBQ.

It won’t be replacing my rose, but it’s a nice alternative.

Red wine fan Josie may just have a new summer drink sorted
Sainsbury's, Fabulous

Senior Digital Writer Josie O’Brien tested Altano Rewilding Douro Tinto 2021, £10.50 – BUY NOW

I’m typically a merlot drinker, as I like my wine to taste like rich red fruits – but this fresh yet fruity Portuguese Douro did not disappoint. 

There was none of that burning acidity you sometimes get with cheaper wines – maybe down to drinking it chilled!

This is exactly the type of wine I like to get stuck into after dinner, as it’s sweet enough to feel like a treat.

I can imagine it also pairs well with charcuterie boards and pasta dishes, so I’ll be putting some research in this summer…

How to save money on your supermarket shop

THERE are plenty of ways to save on your grocery shop.

You can look out for yellow or red stickers on products, which show when they’ve been reduced.

If the food is fresh, you’ll have to eat it quickly or freeze it for another time.

Making a list should also save you money, as you’ll be less likely to make any rash purchases when you get to the supermarket.

Going own brand can be one easy way to save hundreds of pounds a year on your food bills too.

This means ditching “finest” or “luxury” products and instead going for “own” or value” type of lines.

Plenty of supermarkets run wonky veg and fruit schemes where you can get cheap prices if they’re misshapen or imperfect.

For example, Lidl runs its Waste Not scheme, offering boxes of 5kg of fruit and vegetables for just £1.50.

If you’re on a low income and a parent, you may be able to get up to £442 a year in Healthy Start vouchers to use at the supermarket too.

Plus, many councils offer supermarket vouchers as part of the Household Support Fund.

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