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Hot drinks: a cornerstone of culture

China is the birthplace of tea, and the people there have a long history of drinking the brew dating back to antiquity. It has become a cornerstone of Chinese culture; since the beginning of history Chinese people have been planting, picking, making and drinking tea.

So central is it to the country’s identity, tea was included on the Unesco intangible cultural heritage list in 2022. Producers in China have developed six categories of tea: green, yellow, dark, white, oolong and black. These now form the base for over 2,000 tea products.

But it is not just part of history, tea remains ubiquitous in Chinese people’s daily lives, where it is served in families, workplaces, tea houses, restaurants and temples. It is also an important part of socialisation and ceremonies such as weddings and sacrifices. The restrained character of tea represents the way Chinese people understand life and interpret the world; it is key to Chinese culture.

Tea culture emerged in the Tang dynasty as the product became a best seller along the ancient Silk Road, travelling through camel caravans and sailing thousands of miles to all parts of the world.

Huang Shengliang, a Tea Master at Wuyi Mountain, Fujian says drinking and making tea has been ingrained in him since he was young. “It’s more than just drinking for pleasure; it’s a way of life,” he says.

Tea has not only influenced China’s history but it also brought Chinese civilisation to the world. “You cannot separate China from tea. China is tea, tea is China,” says Kenyan tea expert Bernard Njoroge.

In China the drink is typified by a tea ceremony involving the drink’s formal preparation and presentation. Although these ceremonies are no longer a daily event, hospitality is an important part of Chinese culture and all guests are offered tea, which they are then expected to accept and take at least a sip of.

Younger members of Chinese society are also expected to show their elders respect by offering them a cup of tea, and it can even be part of a formal apology.

In 2020 China was the world leader in tea leaf production with an output of nearly 2.99 million tonnes. The country’s production and consumption of tea leaves accounted for 47.63 per cent and 41.68 per cent of the world’s total, respectively.

Today, in addition to several forms of tea in China being included on the Unesco World Heritage list ancient forests are protected. In some of these areas teas are grown for their health benefits which include lowering blood pressure and preventing arteriosclerosis, reducing body fat, reducing internal heat, relieving fatigue and helping with digestion. This is why it is regularly drunk before, with or after meals.

Contemporary China offers various ways to experience cultural tea tourism, such as museums, tea trails, guided tours, tea houses, tea shops, tea markets and tea tastings.

Although the popularity of coffee has risen in the country, between coffee and tea, most locals still pick the latter, a situation that is reversed in Cyprus, where coffee is an intrinsic part of the culture.

“Cyprus coffee is a characteristic part of the island’s coffee-shop culture,” says the deputy ministry of tourism.

Made of finely ground coffee beans, and served in a small cup, the brew was initially made in a long-handled copper pot called a briki. Traditionally, men gathered in coffee shops – the centre of communities – to drink the strong and aromatic brew and catch up on the latest news. Years later, traditional coffee shops have multiplied in Cyprus and the elderly, as well as the younger generation, preserve their morning, afternoon and night rituals of coffee and small talk.

The hospitality that the people of Cyprus are famous for comes to the fore over a cup of coffee and traditionally locals consider it an honour to have visitors in their coffee shop for the first time.

The tricky part to making a cup is ensuring it has a frothy top. The thick layer at the bottom is not consumed, although traditionally, fortune-tellers can interpret the future from the patterns it leaves in the cup!

Beyond the coffeeshop, Cyprus coffee is served in all homes when someone arrives and is still a cause for a pause during the working day, where in common with the coffeeshop it is best enjoyed with a game of backgammon.

To see more about tea in China and coffee in Cyprus view the video on Cyprus Mail’s YouTube Channel click here

About Mirror of Culture

Mirror of Culture is a joint initiative of the Cyprus Mail and the Chinese embassy. It highlights the parallels between Cypriot and Chinese culture to set an example of acceptance, respect and

understanding among the various cultural communities on the island, recognising the fundamental importance of culture.

Culture is the universal language that transcends many barriers, including language and geography. The aim is to work with diverse cultural communities in Cyprus to share and promote our vibrant cultures to further bolster the bonds among all the people of Cyprus and celebrate the diversity of cultures in the world.

Furthermore, the initiative understands the importance of cultural preservation, which is an important way for us to transmit traditions and practices of the past to future generations.

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