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Rebel Wilson Accuses 'The Deb' Producers of 'Burying' Her Directorial Debut 'The Deb,' They Respond

Rebel Wilson very publicly put some of the producers involved with her directorial debut The Deb on blast in a very public way, and they responded.

On Wednesday (July 10), the 44-year-old Pitch Perfect actress took to social media to share a video saying that three people involved with her movie were holding it back from premiering at the Toronto Film Festival.

She issued a fiery statement and leveled some big allegations against them to explain why her movie was seemingly being blocked.

Keep reading to find out more…

On Instagram, Rebel said that the movie “got selected for closing night” of the festival, adding that it was “the best platform.”

“And to be a first-time female director it’s just like, I mean, it’s huge. It’s massive,” she continued.

However, she said that the “joy” of the moment was tempered by “business partners” who are saying that “the movie can’t premiere.”

“Why are they saying this? Why are they stopping it from premiering at Toronto? Well, this dates back to October of last year, where I discovered bad behavior by these business partners. And let me just, you know, I just tell it how it is, so I’m just going to tell you who they are. They are so called producers of the film — I use that phrase very lightly. Their names are Amanda Ghost, and Gregory Cameron, and an executive producer who works with them called Vince Holden. So these are the people involved,” she claimed.

Rebel continued, alleging, “And so I said, reported, I guess you would say, their bad behavior when I found out not minor things, big things, you know, inappropriate behavior towards the lead actress of the film, embezzling funds from the film’s budget, which we really needed because we’re a small movie, you know? So kind of really important things.”

She said that she “reported that behavior” and was “met with absolute viciousness and retaliatory behavior.”

“So I’m there on set. I’m trying to film my movie with my gorgeous Australian cast and crew who are so amazing — shout out to all of you guys. And yet every step of the way, these people who I complained about then tried to make my life hell.”

“In the meantime, though, I still finished the movie. I made this great movie The Deb. And then now, you know, almost at the finish line. They’re saying, you know, it can’t come out. They might not release it, they might bury it. This is work of hundreds of people who have put their heart and soul into this,” Rebel said.

She added, “And this behavior is absolutely vile and disgusting. Now these people you know, Amanda Ghost in particular, has has a history of doing this kind of thing, mainly to music artists but also to people in the film business. So, the thing is, these people are forced to sign NDAs or, you know, otherwise threatened or bullied to not speak out. As you guys know, I’m not like that. I won’t be threatened. I will speak the truth, and, you know, warn people about these people in the industry. Who are just not behaving ethically.”

“Yeah, so that’s my dilemma. If the movie doesn’t play at Toronto, it’s because of these absolute f*ckwits,” she concluded.

In the accompanying caption, Rebel said that the festival gave her team a few more days to approve the movie’s premiere.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson representing the producers issued a statement to Deadline: “RW’s allegations are false, defamatory, and disappointing,” they claimed. “Her self-promotional claims are clearly intended to cause reputational harm to the individuals who have supported her directorial debut film The Deb — a joyous movie that we’re very proud of and are looking forward to sharing with audiences. For her to promote a false narrative to advance her own agenda undermines the film and all the people who worked on this project.”

We’ll update you if we learn more.

If you missed it, Rebel recently shared surprising news about her relationship with Ramona Agruma.

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