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Govt. 'weaponized' for Dems: Biden accused of undermining 'democracy'


Joe Biden's administration, which long has made a political talking point out of its claims that President Donald Trump doesn't support "democracy," now stands accused of exactly that offense, according to a new report.

It is U.S. Rep. Lisa McClain, R-Mich., who said, "The United States is built upon the principle of free and fair elections, but the Biden administration seems to not care about upholding our democracy."

Her comments, according to a Fox News report, came as a letter from the entire Michigan House GOP delegation was sent to a top state official demanding answers about the possible use of federal tax dollars to promote the Democratic Party.

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The letter, organized by Rep. Roger Williams, R-Texas, went to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, long a leftist activist, calling for an investigation into the use of public funds for a voter registration "push" that was "weaponized" to help Biden's re-election bid.

The report said it was an agreement between the Small Business Administration and Benson's agency that Williams' subpoenaed in May that used Biden's 2021 executive order to promote "access" to voting that triggered the inquiries.

At issue is the charge from Williams, head of the House Small Business Committee, that there is documentation that shows that voter recruitment efforts were set up to favor Democrats.

For example, the letter explains 39 of 52 "scheduled small business outreach events in Michigan" were in counties with demographics specifically targeted by the Democratic National Committee, the report said.

"Additionally, 100 percent of the visits to Michigan from the SBA administrator and deputy administrator have taken place in counties with the highest populations of DNC target demographics," it continues.

The letter insists on an explanation about why so much of the federal outreach is focusing on Democrat priorities.

"It is curious that the SBA administrator, appointed to help all small businesses thrive, has concentrated her efforts in areas key to the Biden campaign securing re-election," the charge states.

McClain said the coordination between the federal agency and a Democrat activist is an "abuse of power" that undermines election integrity.

Williams said the Democrat scheme is "a ridiculous — and likely illegal — use of taxpayer resources."

The letter also cited a video from April by undercover journalist James O'Keefe that shows an SBA official stating SBA administrator Isabel Guzman's travel is being "purposefully targeted to 'indirectly campaign' for Biden," the report said.

The letter also insists on details about events in Republican House districts, and whether that GOP member was invited along with Sens. Gary Peters and Deborah Stabenow, both Democrats.

"If either of the two senators were invited but a Republican member of Congress was not, please detail the reasoning behind the lack of invitation," Williams wrote.

The letter to Benson was blunt, stating, "We write today as members of both the Michigan congressional delegation and the House Committee on Small Business (the Committee) with great concern over the apparent and blatant weaponization of taxpayer resources to aid and abet President Biden’s re-election campaign in the state of Michigan. It appears the Biden Administration and your office have diverted funding away from supporting small businesses and used it for election purposes. This is unacceptable."

Michigan, of course, is one of several swing states considered required for a victory in this fall's presidential election.

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