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Prince Harry Breaks His Silence After Controversy Over His Receiving the ‘Pat Tillman Award for Service’ and the Many Calls for Him Not To Accept It as He Is Deemed Unworthy

And so it happens that a flurry of reports is going round regarding tomorrow’s expected ceremony honoring Prince Harry and handing him the ‘Pat Tillman Award for Service’ at the ESPY sports- and the controversy surrounding it.

Yesterday, the New York Post had an ‘exclusive’ piece about how the estranged Royal was about to reject the award, following the widespread rejection of his merits, which went from Tillman’s mother declaring he wasn’t worthy of it, up to the former Navy chief saying this would go down badly with military personal and he should not accept it.

Prince Harry has now broken his silence and spoken publicly for the first time since the backlash over his awarding.

Independent reported:

“The Duke of Sussex, 39, who is set to be honored for his work with the Invictus Games, wished good luck to the UK squad following their selection ahead of a forthcoming winter version of the competition.

‘The games present an incredible opportunity for our courageous service personnel and veterans to demonstrate their skills in new challenges’, he said.”

Harry is at odds with his father and the rest of the Royal family.

Harry will be recognized for founding the ‘Invictus Games’ to ‘support injured and sick servicemen and women, both on active duty and veterans, who are navigating physical and invisible injuries.’

In his first manifestation since the newest in a series of scandals involving him, Harry chose to put the focus on the wounded, injured, and sick serving UK personnel and veterans taking part in this version of the Invictus Games including winter sports.

Mirror reported:

A 64-strong squad, made up of 60 competitors and four reserves, has been named as Team UK for the Invictus Games Vancouver Whistler in February. And the Duke said in a message he is excited ‘to see their passion, determination, and resilience on full display as they take on this new chapter’.

[…] Harry said: ‘Congratulations to those selected for Team UK for our first-ever Winter Invictus Games in Vancouver Whistler next February. Team UK will join over 500 competitors from across 20 nations in this groundbreaking event that expands the range and profile of winter adaptive sports. ‘These games present an incredible opportunity for our courageous service personnel and veterans to demonstrate their skills in new challenges like alpine skiing, snowboarding and skeleton, as well as providing a truly memorable experience for their families. We’re excited to see their passion, determination, and resilience on full display as they take on this new chapter’.”

Meanwhile, the man who was formally the ‘best-loved’ Royal in the UK has become so controversial that even the daughters of disgraced Prince Andrew are maintaining their distance of Harry and Meghan because they are ‘toxic’.

Hindustan Times reported:

“Princess Eugenie and Beatrice have chosen to align themselves with the Royal Family, ending their once-close relationship with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice have reportedly ‘cut Prince Harry and Meghan Markle off’, according to a royal insider.”

Harry is called a ‘defector’ in the Royal family.

It has also arisen that he was ‘given brutal one-word nickname by royals’ after quitting the Firm.

Express reported:

“Prince Harry was given a “brutal one-word name” by royals after he parted ways from the Firm. In January 2020, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced their decision to step back from their senior royal roles.

The revelation was made in Omid Scobie’s book Endgame which was released on November 21 last year.

[…] In the book he states: ‘I was talking to a source quite early on in the process, and they called Harry a ‘defector’ and said that was William’s view’.”

Harry may time the release of his next book to besmirch his brother William ascension to the throne.

And to cap this gathering of some of the myriad of reports about the ‘non-working Royal’, ‘Marca’ has the report that Harry has planned the release of his second book to make a significant impact on his brother ascension to the throne.

“Following the massive success of his first memoir, Spare, which was part of a substantial deal with Penguin Random House, Prince Harry is gearing up to release more bombshell revelations.

Spare achieved record-breaking sales, demonstrating the public’s insatiable curiosity. However, Prince Harry’s contract includes at least two more books.

[…] It is believed that Harry might drop his next set of revelations following the death of his father, King Charles, to maximize their impact as Prince William prepares to assume the throne.”

Read more:

Embattled Prince Harry’s ‘Tough Pill to Swallow’: 68K Sign a Petition to Block His ‘Pat Tillman Award for Service’ – He Misses His Old British Friends Who Dislike His ‘Difficult Wife’

The post Prince Harry Breaks His Silence After Controversy Over His Receiving the ‘Pat Tillman Award for Service’ and the Many Calls for Him Not To Accept It as He Is Deemed Unworthy appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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