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The Latest | Israel orders all Palestinians to leave Gaza’s largest city

Israel is ordering all Palestinians to leave Gaza’s largest city as bombardment appears to escalate throughout the besieged territory. Israel says it is pursuing Hamas fighters who are regrouping in parts of the strip that had been targeted early in the war.

Israel launched the war in Gaza after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack in which militants stormed into southern Israel, killed some 1,200 people — mostly civilians — and abducted about 250. Since then, Israeli ground offensives and bombardments have killed more than 38,000 people in Gaza, according to the territory’s Health Ministry. It does not distinguish between combatants and civilians in its count.

The war has caused massive devastation and displaced most of Gaza’s 2.3 million people, often multiple times. Israeli restrictions, fighting and the breakdown of law and order have limited humanitarian aid efforts, causing widespread hunger and sparking fears of famine. The top United Nations court has ordered Israel to take steps to protect Palestinians as it examines genocide allegations against Israeli leaders. Israel denies the charge.


— Israeli military orders the evacuation of Gaza City, an early target of its war with Hamas.

— The U.S.-built pier will be put back in Gaza for several days to move aid before being permanently removed.

— A suspected attack by Yemen’s Houthi rebels targets a ship transiting the Bab el-Mandeb Strait.

Iran encourages Gaza war protests in the U.S. to stoke outrage and distrust, intelligence chief says.

— A university student who yelled ‘Free Palestine’ is reportedly deported as the UAE weighs the Israel-Hamas war.

— Follow AP’s coverage of the war in Gaza at https://apnews.com/hub/israel-hamas-war.

Here’s the latest:

Medical charity warns that Gaza City hospitals could become inaccessible

A medical charity is warning that Gaza City’s remaining hospitals could become inaccessible as Israel escalates its incursion into Gaza’s largest city.

Medical Aid for Palestinians says in a statement that Israel’s new order for all Palestinians to leave Gaza City is sowing terror among the population and that people in health facilities no longer feel safe.

It notes how staff and patients at al-Ahli hospital fled the facility on Sunday due to attacks in the “immediate vicinity.” Already, many hospitals in Gaza are not functioning or badly damaged.

Israel orders all Palestinians from Gaza City

The Israeli military has dropped leaflets ordering all Palestinians from Gaza City, the largest city in the besieged territory.

Israel has been fighting in several outlying neighborhoods in recent days, sending thousands of Palestinians fleeing. Hamas militants have been regrouping in areas that Israel targeted in the earliest weeks of the war.

But heavy Israeli bombardment throughout the territory could be aimed at increasing pressure on Hamas during negotiations for a cease-fire. U.S., Egyptian and Qatari mediators are meeting with Israeli officials in Qatar for talks trying to push through a deal.

The main United Nations agency supporting Palestinians in Gaza has said around 200,000 Palestinians remain in the north of the territory.

USAID leader will meet with Israeli officials about security of aid workers in Gaza

TEL AVIV, Israel — A United States official says the head of the agency overseeing American foreign humanitarian and development aid will visit Israel on Thursday to address security concerns around aid workers and aid distribution in Gaza.

U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator Samantha Power will meet with Israeli officials to discuss improving communication and coordination to protect humanitarian workers in the ongoing Gaza war. She was last in the region in March, when she visited Israel, Jordan, and the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

The United Nations chief has said “total lawlessness” and chaos in Gaza prevents the distribution of desperately needed humanitarian aid in the enclave. Humanitarian conditions are dire as many families are displaced multiple times. According to the U.N., more than 200 aid workers have been killed in Gaza since the war began.

Ahead of Power’s visit, the Israeli military asserted that the U.N. must step up its ability to receive and distribute aid in Gaza. “Even if we will bring 1,000 trucks today, there’s nowhere to put it on the Palestinian side, that’s the main problem,” said Col. Elad Goren, the head of the civilian department at the Israeli defense body in charge of Palestinian civilian affairs, during a press conference.

USAID has said thousands of tons of food, medicine and other aid are piled up uncollected on a beach near the U.S.-built pier because of the lawlessness on the ground.


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