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I was laid off unexpectedly with a baby at home. As a single parent, I was devastated, but it was a blessing in disguise.

Angelica Miller said she used the layoff as an opportunity to rest and spend some time with family.
  • Angelica Miller, a single mom from Arizona, was laid off unexpectedly from her recruiting job.
  • She was was worried about supporting her son, but used the layoff to reassess her career priorities.
  • She secured a new position that aligns with her values and allows her to prioritize herself.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Angelica Miller, a 31-year-old recruiter from Arizona who was recently laid off. It's been edited for length and clarity.

I knew that being a single mom would be tough, but I was determined to create a stable home for my son no matter what. It became my biggest priority to financially support him, and I worked tirelessly so he'd never feel my struggle.

I'd been working as a recruiter for an equipment rental company for only a few months when I found out I was pregnant, and I was grateful that they were so supportive. They gave me four months of maternity leave and allowed me to work remotely.

But, throughout the next two years, my company turned from supportive to difficult and micromanaging. Eventually, I was laid off. It was scary and unexpected, but in the process, I learned I needed to accept a job that honored my worth.

My layoff was difficult, but it ended up being a blessing in disguise.

I hated the job, but I couldn't leave

Before the layoff, my team started being micromanaged, and I questioned whether I even wanted to be there. But, when they raised my salary, and signs pointed to a promotion, I knew I had to stick it out.

I couldn't run from a stable job even if I hated it.

So, I kept working and began actually believing that I was building a lifelong career within the company. I paid the security deposit on a new rental home and honestly looked forward to the next steps. I was blindsided by what came next.

I was absolutely devastated when I was laid off

One morning, my boss pinged me to have a quick chat. We were super close and gossiped like friends, so it was nothing out of the ordinary. I clicked onto the call and it was just an HR representative on the other end. At that exact moment, I knew something bad was about to happen.

My boss joined the call and told me the news that I was being laid off. I was shocked.

I held it together during the call, but I was absolutely devastated. It felt like I was being broken up with over text. In the back of my head, I knew that I had just paid my security deposit on a new rental and I didn't know if I was going to be able to pay next month's rent. The safety that I had worked to create for my son had gone out the window all at once.

The company gave me a severance package which I used to pay a month of rent and pay my car off. The lump sum was helpful, but as a single mother, I still needed to be prepared for whatever unexpected costs came next. Wasting time was not an option.

My lay-off was difficult, but it ended up being a blessing

The next day, I jumped back into the job hunt. I posted about my layoff to my LinkedIn network and even made TikTok videos about my experience. I applied endlessly to jobs on LinkedIn and Indeed, and got ghosted by several recruiters.

I was overcome with worry, but I knew I had to push through for my son. I never understood 'why' exactly I was here. I was adopted at 15 years old, and my complex trauma led me to a life of substance abuse and self-harm. But, when I found out I was pregnant, I was given my 'why'.

He was my 'why' then, and he is my 'why' now.

When I was working, I lived paycheck to paycheck and felt too bad to take my PTO. I was tired and upset with the direction my company had taken, but I couldn't risk compromising my son and myself by taking time off.

In the pursuit of creating a secure life for my son, I sacrificed myself. I was mentally exhausted and needed a break.

I decided to use my layoff as an opportunity to finally rest

My son and I escaped the Arizona heat and met with my dad at a cabin in the woods. It was actually only their third time seeing each other since my son was born two years ago. My dad bought him a fishing rod and took him fishing. It was so nice to get away and spend time with my family.

When I returned, I reassessed the kind of job that I needed and deserved. I realized that if I was going to be working so hard, I deserved to find a company that aligned with my values, had growth opportunities, and allowed me time for my family.

The salary alone doesn't dictate how well I'm supporting my son. I realized that I could create financial security for my son while also prioritizing my needs.

This layoff taught me the types of jobs I should accept going forward

After three weeks of applying to jobs, I got a message in my LinkedIn inbox about an unfilled recruiting position. After two interviews, I landed a 90-day temp-to-hire position at a car sales company. The team is kind, and I'm extremely excited about the benefits and room for growth.

I'm using the 90 days to go inward and really assess if the company is a good fit for me.

Being laid off was scary, but I now know that I can take care of my son while also making sure that I'm working for a company that takes care of me.

If you were unexpectedly laid off and want to share your story, please email Tess Martinelli at tmartinelli@gmail.com.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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