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Chat log from R17 of 2024: Melbourne vs West Coast

Chat log for Melbourne vs West Coast, R17 of 2024

frenzy: a big day Maxy
Noxious: Howdy gents
Noxious: Not relevant to this game but which sydney player does windhager go to?
FreeHughsy: gulden unfortunately noxious
frenzy: you’d think Errol or Chad, probs Chad
PAFC4eva: Chad nox
Noxious: I hope not Gulden haha
FreeHughsy: hope yous are right
ReggieOz: Go Dees Go Max
piesfan420: need yeo to go big today, hoping for 115+
FreeHughsy: huddo and matt hill, this game has a great feel
RgngShnBnr: Windy to heeney surely…similar size
RgngShnBnr: no chance he can run with gulden on the outside
ReggieOz: Spot on Hughsy
piesfan420: dees looking good early
FreeHughsy: maybe windy will play FF to switch things up
Roarix: Im thinking 140+ for Yeo piesfan.. along with NWM, Rankine and 160 from C Neale
pcaman2003: Go big today please Gov.
piesfan420: roarix bit high, haha, ddon’t think thats gonna happen for you
pcaman2003: Have C on Gulden. Thinking maybe Zorko better option?
Noxious: I had C on Gulden last weekend and im gonna hold off doing it again for a while
FreeHughsy: i would be going for 2800 if i didnt butch the C on bont
pcaman2003: Noxious. I’m just concerned with possible tag. Should go well if not tagged I reckon.
Raspel31: Have c on Gulden too pcaman but Salem doing me no favours
Roarix: That is a bit like Cing Butters aye Noxious.. just never know which Butters will come out to play
Hazza09: Gawn -7 for what?
Noxious: Yep its rough going roarix
Noxious: Im going C on Grundy
BRAZZERS: anyone would be going for 2800 plus if they made better choices like naming yourself after a comedian lol
thommoae: Any rethinks on Tom Green, RgngShnBnr? Pretty good last night.
Apachecats: same here raspel
soup: Had VC on Butters but rolled the dice with the C on Tholstrup. Working so far
frenzy: why did I keep Clarry
Raspel31: Hang tight Apache.
Noxious: Smart soup
original: Great week for Steven may owners (draft) ffs
original: Gawn you were on 30sc 12 mins ago. What. Is. This?!
soup: Thanks noxious not gonna win the Hilux by playing safe
sheezel420: stay down gawn
Bulky: Oliver has checked out for the day.
Noxious: Thats it mate, I’ve already got 2 Hilux’s thats why im letting others have the opportunity and staying low
Noxious: Bulky, did he ever check in?
Roarix: Come on Yeo.. get involved
soup: Seems like half the nuffies in FF chat have won two hiluxes already so I don’t know if that checks out nox
pcaman2003: Brought Gov in this week thanks to beerent. So far looking the goods.
Noxious: Cant argue with that soup as i dont disagree
Hazza09: cmon max ffs
RgngShnBnr: Tom Green still a butcher with the ball
J_Herer: Lift for my same game multi May!
RgngShnBnr: Max on track for 140 wtf are you complaining about
Apachecats: How does 38 at nearly half time translate to 140 by end of game.
RgngShnBnr: its the 1st qtr mate…
TimT14: Gawns on fire haha
Apachecats: oops 1/4 time ,sorry
FlaggersXD: Half time? LOL
sfenda1: 41 qtr time apache
Apachecats: Bit of a Biden moment there.
RgngShnBnr: sorry I lied..he’s on track for 160
Noxious: Nearly half time? its quarter time LOL
RgngShnBnr: at least you didn’t poop yourself apache
Noxious: whats 38×4 apache
Noxious: 40 now
TimT14: I captained Gawn after Bont didn’t work out
Noxious: 41, keeps going up
soup: Captain maxy you legend keep it up
BRAZZERS: this broad has a more annoying voice that old mate Underwood
ChocoSC: Got the C on Gawn, go you good ting
BRAZZERS: TimT14, thanks mate. no one gives a shit btw
Apachecats: That takes a bit of doing Brazzers.
Stu7: Chucky doll having another shocker!
piesfan420: get into the game yeo
soup: Not coping well with the new spot on the ladder brazz?
Roarix: Fk me just get this season over with.. now Yeo is trolling
Roarix: Now Reid has passed him.. watch Rankine do a hammy again and Neale do his shoulder and bend me over further
Noxious: Roarix you got Touk Miller or Fisher? I have both lol so thats fun
FreeHughsy: Brazzers is that not the reason for a chat, to talk??
frenzy: lol soup
pcaman2003: Roarix. Keep up those positive thoughts:)
HepsHeroes: Hello
HepsHeroes: First time poster, longtime lurker
pcaman2003: Welcome Heps. Enjoy the shower show called FF chat.
Apachecats: Welcome to the jungle Heps ,always room for more Bombers.
Raspel31: Welcome Heps. I will point out the loonies in weeks to come.
HepsHeroes: Cheers ????
RgngShnBnr: Lift Max you spud
BRAZZERS: welcome Heps ya peanut
pcaman2003: Poor Gov gathering icicles up the backline. Lift Gov!
HepsHeroes: I thought fter kast week Oliver migt have turned the corner
Badgerbadg: My god it?s amazing how good the dees fwd line clicks without Petty
Roarix: He is deaadset uselss Badger
Roarix: Deadset*
dearviolet: Lmao I agree Badger
Apachecats: Maxies 4×43 not looking so good ,7 point 1/4 so far.
slydon: since when were melbourne such accurate kicks!
OffaStep: Talk, Hughsy? Brazzers is an incel who spews bile to fill the howling void that is his social life.
slydon: i was counting on them kicking a whole bunch of points
slydon: thought west coast would do better against another bottom 4 team
FreeHughsy: i meant that Tim was talking, not supporting brazzers ????
a1trader: Hutchinson has had 1 kick and 7 tackles for 34SC
Gotigres: Keep going captain Max
Apachecats: a1 ,thats about right ,7×4 plus a contersted possie.
RgngShnBnr: Reid 30 more disposals to catch up to Kerch. North wins that draft
piesfan420: does yeo want to do something
Raspel31: Will Olly be cheap next week- asking for a cash strapped friend?
Roarix: Stop sitting on the pine Yeo
Apachecats: OK , lets do a nearest the pin on Max for old time sake.Entries close at end of 2nd quarter .Apache goes 142.
PAFC4eva: 136 apache
piesfan420: 131 apache
Hazza09: 117 Apache
Gotigres: 125 Apache
pluggerpig: 128 apache
slydon: 127 for max
pcaman2003: 118 for Gawny.
RgngShnBnr: 141 apatchy
Gotigres: Whatever his price Raspel it is too much. Glad I got rid of him.
Badgerbadg: Maxy tends to take it easier in these kinds of games- I?ll go 115 for Max
frenzy: 115 Apache
Raspel31: 122 goes Maxxy.
RgngShnBnr: could you straight swap olly for Kerch and get the sweeeeet dpp?
Roarix: Bruh Ive tried twice.. fk you FF. I said 123 for Max
HepsHeroes: Im goimg low,, hopefully 101 ? took the C of Maxxy
Roarix: What a stupid chat.. I write the same thing as a number of people but my chat doesnt come through… smh
FreeHughsy: same Roarix, im going 124
Noxious: Same Roarix ive said both 128 and 130 and neither message went through
Apachecats: Entries close end of half time.
Manowar: average first half Max
RgngShnBnr: Must have to have numbers and text
Noxious: Ill stay 130, changed it cause message didnt go through and plugger took 128
Noxious: really? just numbers wont go through as a message?
RgngShnBnr: seems that way nox
OffaStep: Thought I was sin binned for being nasty to Brazzers. I said 131 but I’ll change it to 132.
HepsHeroes: Im hopimg for a not too serious cramp issue for Gawnny. ? 101 for me Apache
frenzy: ill go 116, badger took 115
Roarix: 123 before seeing 122 and 124 being put
Roarix: Damn
nbartos: wonder when Duggan will get poached home by a Vic team, would be a good get
HepsHeroes: Everytime i warch the Dees play, i get jealous of Fritchs feathers
Apachecats: 123 for Roarix ,116 for Frenzy. no more changing -too hard to keep track of changes.
frenzy: any taylor adams owners
Apachecats: Its OK to have the same guess as someone else BTW.
Roarix: Should have done closest to the pin for Oliver.. wouldve gotten some very interesting predictions
Roarix: What a flop he has become
LachieMcL: mcgovern could score 100 off 12 touches
HepsHeroes: Yep .. misses Petracca
Noxious: No one wants to share the winnings apache
Roarix: I would have gone 40.. useless
nbartos: Oliver to Rozee has worked a treat
Apachecats: Its just for bragging rights Noxious ,so OK to have 2 winners
J_Herer: same trade nbartos
Apachecats: In the old days we had a perpetual Tshirt for the winner ,someone donated it ,bit stained though.
Apachecats: Last call.
frenzy: won the t shirt many times
Apachecats: I remember that frenzy ,you were good at it.
Apachecats: Enties for NTP closed -17 entries.Winner announced in chat for next game.
Noxious: Did they just call Clarry ‘still one of the best inside mids in the comp’ lol
RgngShnBnr: I have a stained shirt from Norths win yesterday I could donate
Apachecats: Thanks Rgng, that is a kind offer.What sort of stains?
BRAZZERS: how does clarry get a game?
Noxious: You know what kind of stains Apache
RgngShnBnr: I’ll tell you when you’re older apache
Apachecats: I’m hoping grass or maybe tomato sauce.
Badgerbadg: Clarry worst on wasn?t on my bingo card
Bulky: Oliver not even fit enough to play in the 2’s.
missmagic: put the V on deoey and C on oliver,ignored english and whitfield=dumb
slydon: whats the prize apache?
slydon: woeful decisions missmagic
Noxious: great mark
Apachecats: Its a slightly stained North Tshirt donated by Rngn slydon.
soup: Wtf Gawn you viking do something
Apachecats: Max has a bandaid on him.
pcaman2003: Keep going strong Gov. Loving your work.
pcaman2003: soup. Lol! He heard you. Say it again!
Roarix: Ghee I would be so on for closest to the pin for Oliver.. said 40 and he is well on track for it lmfao
nbartos: wanted 20 possies from Gawny today for multi – gonna go down i feel
nbartos: lads will windh tag Heeney or Warner?
slydon: come on governor turn it on
LachieMcL: wind will tag warner
Apachecats: Long as he leaves Gulden alone nbartos
Gotigres: I won closest to the pin about 4 years ago and won someone’s unwashed undies
Apachecats: Oliver will get dropped on this non effort.
Roarix: Good.. hope Warner scores nothing over 70
Apachecats: I remember that Gotigres ,you won a few times.
nbartos: cheers Lachie
Pokerface: your name should be purple Gotigres
Gotigres: yes Apache. Great prize. Have them in the display cabinet.
pcaman2003: Big last qtr please Gov.
soup: 120 would be lovely gawny
Gotigres: Thanks Poker
Apachecats: Straight to the poolroom Gotigres.
nbartos: do they ever tag Guld Apach? (sorry wrong chat)
Apachecats: Yeah they do but only when I captain him nbartos.
piesfan420: go yeo at least ton up for me
J_Herer: That a boy AMW keep going!
frenzy: Ah yes, the crusty demons memorabilia
piesfan420: whos switching games
Raspel31: I wanted to bring in Kostyn Tholstrup but my keyboards acting up.
Gotigres: Has pride of place Apache
Gotigres: There goes my captain
frenzy: maxy subbed
sheezel420: bont over gawn somehow gained me points
LachieMcL: that is so bs typical
RgngShnBnr: Scale Maxy to 120
RooBoyStu: Gawn subbed hahaha
Raspel31: Gotigres- feel your pain- all have him but not cap.
Apachecats: Can declare the winner now then ,drum roll.
slydon: come on governor, nows the cance to outscore gawny
Stu7: Chucky doll having another shocker!
FreeHughsy: wait for the scaling apache
sheezel420: kerch > reid
Stu7: What happened to Gawn?
Apachecats: The winner of the NTP and the slightly stained North Tshirt is out newbie Heps Heroes who went 101.
slydon: gawn now likely gonna end up sub 11-
RgngShnBnr: sore ankle… precautionary
Stu7: Thanks RgngShnBnr
FreeHughsy: wowee
Apachecats: The Tshirt is like the leaders jacket in the Tour De France whereit with pride but please dryclean it before you pass it
Pokerface: how do you pronounce that
Apachecats: *on to the nest genius.
Manowar: Yo Yeo, need some more
RooBoyStu: Carlton renamed the CC’s Carlton Chokers 🎶”We’re the team that never lets you down We’re the only team the chokers know
Raspel31: Will Max ton up- scaling awaits.
HepsHeroes: First time poster, first time winner !!!!
slydon: yes raspel, 7 minutes left, he will end on 105
HepsHeroes: Id like to thank my oatents, my fellow posters
HepsHeroes: Should i retire now?
frenzy: Lol the bombers must won
Apachecats: No Heps if you win 5 times you get to keep the stained Tshirt.
HepsHeroes: Ive got the conner mcgrergkr swagger going now..
HepsHeroes: If i win it 5 times it will be slightly more stained
soup: This week can get fucked, Richards cover for Fisher, touk, curnow and Captain max subbed
piesfan420: yeo ton up
Raspel31: Salem had done his job Apache- bring on Gujden.
DaMeatloaf: Couldn?t get much worse soup!
frenzy: one of the great games Clarry

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