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Melting glacier leaves hundreds homeless in Skardu

Melting glacier leaves hundreds homeless in Skardu

GILGIT / PESHAWAR: Flash floods triggered by melting glacier have damaged over two dozen homes, hundreds of kanals of land, crops and trees along the Burgi nullah in Skardu, forcing the evacuation of dozens of households to safe areas.

“The flood in the nullah sparked panic and damaged a large number of private properties, but fortunately, no human loss has been reported,” a district administration official told Dawn.

The flooding has affected many villages situated along the Burgi nullah, and also damaged water supply and irrigation channels, resulting in the blockage of water supply to local residents.

According to locals, dozens of families have been left homeless after floodwaters damaged their homes, while water has entered over two dozen homes, causing further destruction.

Local residents urged the authorities to take protective measures to mitigate the disaster, demanding the government take immediate action to prevent floodwaters from entering human settlements and agricultural areas. They demanded resettlement and compensation for the damage.

One affected individual lamented: “The flood has destroyed my home and all my assets. My cultivated lands, crops, and trees have also been damaged by the flood. I have nothing left to earn a living from, all my assets have been swept away.”

Meanwhile, Skardu Dep­uty Commissioner Sami Khan regretted that people have encroached upon nullahs to construct homes and buildings which have blocked the watercourse.

He said these constructions, built with the encouragement of certain individuals, block the natural water flow and divert floodwaters.

He warned that action will be taken against those responsible for the encroachments and illegal buildings will be demolished.

Water levels have surged in numerous nullahs and rivers across GB during the current heatwave, posing a threat of flooding and glacier lake outburst floods.

GLOF alert

The Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) on Saturday issued an alert to the administrations of five northern districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, warning them of a heightened likelihood of glacial lake outburst floods (Glofs), flash floods, and landslides due to the prevailing high temperatures and an expected rain spell.

“Due to persistent higher than normal temperatures and expected rain spells from July 6 to 8 in upper parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, there is an increased likelihood of triggering Glofs events, flash floods, landslides, and a rise in river stream flows due to melting. Warmer conditions are expected to persist until the mid-July,” said a PDMA advisory forwarded to the district administrations of Chitral Lower and Upper, Dir Upper, Swat and Kohistan Upper.

The PDMA asked them to take all precautionary measures to avoid any loss of life, livestock and damage to infrastructure and crops. They have been asked to ensure availability of emergency and rescue services personnel and officials of the communication and works and other departments having the expertise of works during the period.

The district administrations have been directed to ensure the availability of necessary emergency equipment for rapid response in case of any eventuality. The PDMA advisory also advised tourists to exercise caution and avoid travelling to at-risk and vulnerable areas.

The district administrations have been directed to coordinate with the departments concerned, including National Hig­h­way Authority, Frontier Works Organisation and Communica­tion and Works Department, for the timely restoration of roads in case of any blockage, obstruction, closures and damage owing to floods or landslides.

Due to rising temperatures, glaciers in Pakistan’s northern mountain ranges (Hindu Kush Himalayas and Karakorum) are melting rapidly, according to official documents of the climate change ministry and forest department.

Published in Dawn, July 7th, 2024

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