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Gandapur demands US Congress probe into cipher case


PESHAWAR: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Khan Gandapur has called for a US Congress investigation into the alleged American plot to overthrow Prime Minister Imran Khan’s government, citing a diplomatic cipher.

During a meeting with a delegation of the New York State Assembly and American-Pakistani Public Affairs Committee, led by Deputy Speaker Phil Ramos, here, the chief minister said the US Congress should uncover the truth behind the ouster of the Imran government by probing that cipher, which caused significant political turmoil in Pakistan.

Adviser to the chief minister on finance Muzammil Aslam confirmed to Dawn that Mr Gandapur took up the cipher issue with the American delegation.

He claimed that the visitors “endorsed the chief minister’s concerns on the matter and said he’s absolutely right.”

Discusses cooperation for social sector development with American delegation

They also insisted that their perceptions of Pakistan changed after the visit, according to Mr Aslam.

The Chief Minister’s Secretariat later issued a statement about the meeting.

According to it, Mr Gandapur and the visitors discussed matters related to promoting relations between KP and New York State, especially cooperation for social sector development.

Both sides agreed to sign memorandums of understanding for partnership in health, education, trade, and human resource, and initiate nursing exchange and tele-health programmes.

Cabinet members Syed Qasim Ali Shah, Faisal Khan Tarakai and Muzammil Aslam, chief secretary Nadeem Aslam Chaudhry, additional chief secretary Syed Imtiaz Hussain Shah and other senior officials were also present in the meeting.

Mr Gandapur informed the visitors that his government always welcomed and appreciated the US government’s initiatives for projects of public welfare.

He said bilateral cooperation in different fields would strengthen the Pakistan-US relations.

The chief minister said the development of health and education sectors were top priorities of his government.

He said that the government introduced multiple reforms in health and education sectors, leading to significant improvement in healthcare and learning systems to the relief of people.

“Entire population of the province is being provided free healthcare facilities in reputable public and private hospitals registered under the provincial government’s health card scheme,” he said, according to the statement.

Mr Gandapur said his government was working on the launch of the Education Card like the Sehat Card health insurance scheme.

He said the enrolment of all out-of-school children and an increase in women’s literacy rate in the province was one of the priorities of his government.

The chief minister said the government would need support for providing scholarships to students for higher education abroad as well as imparting modern vocational training to the talented youth.

He said the US could benefit from the skilled manpower of the province.

Mr Gandapur said there was immense potential for foreign investment in tourism, mines and minerals, agriculture and hydropower sectors.

“Under our ease-of-doing business policy, we will provide a conducive environment as well as all possible facilities in our province to foreign investors,” he said.

The chief minister said efforts were under way to develop all sectors along modern lines to increase revenue and provide job opportunities to residents.

He said an integrated strategy was devised to strengthen the economy of the war-affected province, while necessary legislation was being made for sustainable reforms.

The visitors lauded the provincial government’s reforms in health, education and social sectors and in the police department, according to the statement.

They also said initiatives to deal with climate change were highly commendable.

The delegates said it was a great achievement of the provincial government to increase forest cover in the province to 26 per cent.

They appreciated the provision of free healthcare to the entire population of the province.

Published in Dawn, July 6th, 2024

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