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Chat log from R17 of 2024: Port Adelaide vs Western Bulldogs

bhg26: Warning, made Bont my captain so sorry in advance
Pavs: Vc Naicos did you mate?
bhg26: Yep Pavs
_Wang_: Cmon bont
Fordy13: going Bont as well, VCed Naicos
Pavs: Well i’m with you Bont as VC for me
LuvIt74: What the hell is Bevo doing putting Freijah as the Sub bloody crazy
Baldfrog: Bont VC thought Serong would have a field day against Tigs so C for him
bhg26: I forgot Freo were playing Richmond Baldfrog thats what i should have done
bhg26: Lovely passage of play Rozee
navy_blues: ok bont vc lets go big
Noxious: Good to see Rozee getting back to his best again
Baldfrog: Not watching but are the doggies even touching the ball?
Noxious: Theyve barely had it wada
circle52: Not the only one that had Naicos VC and now Bont C so can take part blame if he flops.
Noxious: oops not wada lol Baldfrog
bhg26: Can imagine English owners throwing up watching that play
bhg26: Alright Houston dont want what happened last week happening again
pcaman2003: bhg. Correct. He’ll probably burn me again this week after pathetic effort last round
bhg26: Why the fuck is Lobb taking the kickout
Legix: Good start Butters
Manowar: do something Horn
bhg26: Actually is fun to watch port games owning both Butters and Rozee
Noxious: When we play like this its fun to watch but geez the last month has been rough going
navy_blues: dogs very average atm
Hepatitis: Cmon Bont ffs
Gotigres: bhg, I’m throwing up knowing I don’t have Rozee
navy_blues: omg dogs
bhg26: Dont worry he will balance it out by doing nothing in the third quarter gotigres
Gotigres: hope your correct bhg
bhg26: I hope im not
OffaStep: Sure it’s Rozee and not the $1.50 Thai beers, Gotigres?
Pavs: He will have 100 by then though
Birdman18: I wouldn’t worry about not having Rozee Gotigeres. He’s not a top 8 mid
Birdman18: He’s up and down
Noxious: I can just tell this is setting me up for disappointment
Raspel31: Feel the Doggies got this.
pcaman2003: Watching otherr game. Is Bont being tagged?
Pavs: No pacman
original: Will I loop Rozee on? Probably yes
Noxious: Dont think so pca
Legix: Dale what are you doing
Swoop35: Rozee and buttrs cooking
Manowar: we are so proud of you, loop away
pcaman2003: Pavs. Oh no! Have the VC on him. What’s his problem?
sheezel420: Rozee only 3 off his projected
Pavs: He’ll be fine mate. No panic required yet
pcaman2003: Great start Rozee. Make up for Naicos and Richards.
Gotigres: Yes Offa, I only had 5 beers and one cocktail last night.
pcaman2003: Gotigres. In Phuket already, or on the way?
original: Houston had a shocking two weeks
Swoop35: Butters playing fwd?
Noxious: Hard for Houston to get the ball when its never in the backline
Pokerface: why do people talk about the projected number made up by SC? Your own estimate is as useful
Pavs: Looks like he is playing on a wing Nox
pcaman2003: That’s much better Bont. More goals please.
Raspel31: Have never known SC predictions to be even vaguely wrong Poker.
Gotigres: Arrived Thursday night pcaman
Pokerface: i just dont understand how they even enter the conversation raspel
pcaman2003: Rasp. Lol! Just as CD is never wrong
wadaramus: Houston, why do we have a problem?
Pokerface: it’s CDs scoring system pca…
pcaman2003: Gotigres. Enjoy!
J_Herer: Not starting Freijah is hurting the dogs
banta: houston lol
Pokerface: lol Herer
navy_blues: wow dont think dogs know how to defend today
Pokerface: Port were always gonna start hard early after last week’s flack
Raspel31: If Dogs tighten up defence and score more goals- still a chance.
Noxious: Good Houston get those kick ins
Pokerface: reckon they are a real good chance raspel if they can score more than port
bhg26: Aliir pinged for doing the umps job for them
Noxious: Aliir pinged for making the AFL look bad
Hazza09: The decline from English is unbelievable
Pavs: Houston unbelievable kick of the football
Baldfrog: Nice Mr Evans keep it up
Noxious: Early Freijah sub, lucky for those that have him
Social: Thank goodness
Social: Otherwise it was Richards 34
J_Herer: Freijah on, here come the dogs!!
sheezel420: Hazza spoke too soon
Noxious: starting to become a bit of a messy game
Hazza09: did you just see what he did then Sheezel
pcaman2003: You need to go better than this Bont.
sheezel420: Thankfully I was watching the other game
sheezel420: But still I’m very happy with my ruck on 60 at ht
StuL: My oppo has Rozee of course.
SwaggyP: brought in Rozee for Wines this week lol
cammo92: @StuL: why do you not? He was ridiculously cheap. Just had to take a gamble on him.
Swoop35: Anyone going VC or C on luke ryan if you have him? Scored 200 against the tiges last time they played
Pavs: Considering it Swoop depends on Bont
Raspel31: Hmm- v on Flanders- a no-no. C on Gulden. Ryan hmm?
Noxious: I have it on serong, ive been spooked by the chip kick comments from freo coach
Swoop35: Captain is between serong, ryan and gulden for me if bont cant get going
Raspel31: Have them all Swoop- Gulden for my money?
Noxious: I had Gulden C last week so im not keen to do that again just yet
Hepatitis: Bont cooked hopeless
Hazza09: Every time I have the VC on Bont he shits the bed
pcaman2003: At least Timmy is going much better this week.
bhg26: Bont any danger of doing anything
Noxious: Give Aliir a whistle
Flagpies23: Come on Houston fire up a bit
pcaman2003: Rasp. Put C on Gulden thinking should score well against Saints, very hopefully
Pokerface: surely Gawn is the standout captain. Rucks against eagles are goldmines
Noxious: Someone was saying eagles gave him bulk attention last time
bhg26: Hes gone 109, 73 and 91 against them poker, somehow cant score against them
Hepatitis: Thanks Bont weekend over pathetic joke
Pokerface: hmm interesting.. who have they had rucking a the time? Theyve only got BJ standing after Flynn went down last week
pcaman2003: That’ll teach me for trusting Bont as my VC.
bhg26: Just BJ last game poker
Pokerface: yeah just saw.. that’s right, eagles won that game by 6 goals
Hazza09: ffs bont
Baldfrog: Least everyone has bont
Noxious: I dont have bont funnily enough lol, its killed me all year
Noxious: Touk Miller injured
pcaman2003: The Butters and Rozee show.plus Bont and magical disappearing act.
bhg26: Dont go to the bench you havent done shit
Noxious: Who bhg, bont or houston lol
bhg26: That was directed to Bont
Noxious: BZT got sandwiched
Danstar: Pca – so never choose hi again than to stand by what you say
Baldfrog: Lol Bonts had 3 possies a 1/4 and needs a rest
Danstar: You?re the bloke who msgs players on socials abusing them for missing out on a multi lol
Danstar: Blokes not allowed to have a bad game
pcaman2003: Danstar. It seems anyone I pick as VC falls over, so doesn’t matter that much. Lol!
Danstar: Whole team playing bad. Not just Bont
bhg26: But we dont care about the rest of the team danstar
Noxious: Cant rely on Bont to be the only bloke who shows up, same as last night everyone going at Daicos, its a team effort
sheezel420: Doesn’t help when you rest your best player at full forward
Hepatitis: Ur a weak dog da star
Danstar: Ok?.lol
pcaman2003: Noxious. Very true, but as C of the club needs to set an example. Today he isn’t doing it
J_Herer: None of this world have happened if Freijah started, silly Dogs
Danstar: He isnt god. He is trying. Can?t have a 3 vote game every week
Danstar: If this big loss means we beat Carlton next week. Ill take it lol
Baldfrog: You need a spud Herer
bhg26: Make him try harder danstar
Noxious: Logan Evans has been great
Swoop35: Agree noxious, same with gawn
Pokerface: Knevitt out, Clark in
Swoop35: Replying to your other comment noxious
J_Herer: Logan Evans $$$
_Wang_: Cmon bont scab out 110
Danstar: McNeil not sure why Bevo loves him
Noxious: I have Evans in my team but im just more happy that we have another decent defender haha
Raspel31: Rozee on ice?
Hadouken: was thinking the same Rasp
Pokerface: should i take butters vc?
Hadouken: nope, hes back on lol
Noxious: Butters subbed off
Swoop35: Yes poker
Noxious: but yes id definitely take it
Urbs: Butters the one who’s being rested it seems
bhg26: Bulldogs kick 11 unanswered goals to win the game after butters subbed
bhg26: Theres 1
Pokerface: hmm.. i think Gawn will get 160. Those 7 points will mean the difference between a win and a loss
Noxious: Bhg stop talking pls
Swoop35: Youll be kicking yourself when gawn scores 100 and you lose by 50 poker?
soup: Ken you terrorist
Pokerface: may as well lose by 1 as lose by 50 and have a chance of winning no?
Raspel31: Butters off- who can I sub to cover him?
Swoop35: Id just bank the 153 poker
bhg26: That might be the sealer
Baldfrog: Least Ken should get an extension now Noxious
OffaStep: Gawn got the physical treatment last time Vs Weagles. Body checked by everyone and given no room outside the hitouts.
Pokerface: id be kicking myself when Gawn goes 200 and i lose by 7
Noxious: Boundary umpire blind
Danstar: Bony bad game. Still scores 100+
sheezel420: Thank god bont is KOTD
pcaman2003: Danstar. Never doubted him.:)
sheezel420: 10 effective disposals for a ton
fishman_da: Wait … what happened to Butters???
Noxious: Bonts bad game is better than most players good games
Danstar: Lol
bhg26: Nothing fish just rested
fishman_da: Rested? I need the 40 points that I’ve just been robbed of 😂
OffaStep: Tactical sub, fish. Just resting him.
Noxious: Ken probably pulled him off so he’d stop fighting with Libba
J_Herer: poisoning
Danstar: 9 in a row coming now lol
pcaman2003: Okay Bont! That’s better, but another 20pts required.
Baldfrog: Yep Ken probably pulled him off
Noxious: Butters score still going up, love to see it
fishman_da: Rozee probably made Ken do it so he’d be the standout player
Raspel31: My feelings exactly fishman.
soup: Tingles quietly putting together a great score
Baldfrog: Chief having a week off?
Raspel31: BigChief had too many magic mushrooms last week Bald- alaes, our loss.
fishman_da: Butters has gone from 155 > 158 > 160 after being subbed
soup: You miss him frog?
fishman_da: Must have had an assist handing one of the boys a drink on the bench
sheezel420: yes fishman it’s scaling because he helped win the game earlier
Baldfrog: Not as much as I miss you Soup
pluggerpig: 160 from 66% TOG must be close to a record
pluggerpig: doubt anyone has been subbed off on 160 either
Raspel31: Damn- Doggies were so close.
pcaman2003: Well, it looks like Gulden is now my C. Thanks Bont!
Raspel31: Me too pcaman.

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